I simply want to remove the following but have no idea where it is. I'm using the wordpress theme of my site so I think it's different than creating a custom theme. Any ideas? aMember Pro™ by aMember.com © 2002–2012 CGI-Central.Net
Are you using the wordpress plugin/theme? yes? amember/application/default/plugins/protect/wordpress/amember.php no? amember/application/default/views/layout.phtml David
Thanks. This helped me. Can I suggest this is added to the online documentation: http://www.amember.com/docs/Main_Page
Perfect. Worked for me as well. Thanks everyone for asking / answering the question. I agree with @jamesmcroy . . . adding this to the wiki pages under the customization would help others in the future. Thanks, Gary
I believe the latest update 4.2.14 broke this. I haven't changed anything in my custom wordpress theme folder yet now the aMember footer is showing up again. I believe the issue lies within <div class="am-body-content-wrapper am-main"> Where do I change that? There is a thin gray vertical line that goes up both sides of the page. Wasn't there before the upgrade. Anyone else have issues with upgrading?
OK. I found the error. It's the amember.css file in the application/default/views/public/css folder. Is there a way to keep the changes I make in that css file from changing when I update? Would make sense that there would be a place to both put the file and call for it from the custom wordpress folder. Ideas?
Create /amember/application/default/views/public/css/site.css and place your changes in that file. It will be included after amember.cssso your CSS classes would overwrite default classes.