Hi, Where can I buy templates or premium themes for my AMember v4. I want to create a membership website. What themes / templates suitable for a membership site and where can I find? tqvm
While you could build a membership site using only aMember pages, the most popular approach is to use aMember to authenticate users and control access, but use a content management system (CMS) for the front end. When you go with the popular aMember/WordPress integration you ultimately have hundreds of themes to pick from (both free and paid). IMHO one of the better WordPress theme platforms is Genesis by StudioPress.
Agree with Grant and playpiano king- wordpress has some great themes available. You'll probably want to integrate with wordpress anyway- so why not use that? David
Yes, that's right .. I might consider using it. I actually agree with the theme used by http://www.masterresellrights.com. Where can I buy a theme like that? Thanks 4 all members
That is not a WordPress-powered site,so I don't know the theme. If you are going to use WordPress to power your site I would suggest a different approach. Instead of surfing the web looking for something you like, see what is available from from a major theme developer. These themes are written to a tighter standard and are usually more compatible with the aMember's "one click" integration. I also am not a fan of using ThemeForest (just my personal opinion) A few of the more predominant WordPress theme developers are: StudioPress (has largest market share: I use this theme along with David of Membership Academy) Woo Themes iThemes
Yes, your theme looks good; but, it is very very overpriced and has yearly fee. For what it offers, not worth the cost. Need an HTML theme, one-time fee, like all other website templates. Good luck.