Hi, I'm using a Wordpress integration, and would like to add some small product thumbnails to my signup page. I've been though all the documentation (including the template customization page) and these forums, but cannot find anything other than a post telling me to copy signup.phtml from default/views/signup/signup.phtml to application/default/plugins/protect/wordpress/default/signup/ and then edit it... This is the code contained within the above signup.html. Code: <?php if (empty($title)) $title=___('Sign-up'); else $title=___($title); $this->setLayout('layout.phtml'); include $this->_script('_error.phtml'); $this->headScript() ->appendFile(REL_ROOT_URL . '/application/default/views/public/js/jquery/jquery.validate.js'); ?> <div class="am-signup"> <?php echo $this->blocks('signup/login/before') ?> <?php include $this->_script('signup/_login-offer.phtml'); ?> <?php echo $this->blocks('signup/login/after') ?> <?php echo $this->blocks('signup/form/before') ?> <?php include $this->_script('_form.phtml'); ?> <?php echo $this->blocks('signup/form/after') ?> </div> <?php include $this->_script('js.country_state.js'); ?> It doesn't appear to contain the markup that generates the products listings. Can someone please point me in the right direction so that I can add product images? Thanks!