How do I make it so Paypal uses an Alternate PayPal account email as opposed to the Primary? The primary is under my name, and not branded. Thanks Garret
The 'Primary' is your own paypal account... the 'alternate' is a different paypal account? Nt much use to you if you are relying on PayPal, but we stopped using it a long time ago. Too many limitations - not least is the inability to issue refunds and have that processed in PayPal automatically. For what it is worth, we moved to use Stripe as a processor.
Thinking more about this, are you saying you already use the primary PayPal account for processing some sales through aMember, and you want to also use a different PayPal account for other items you are selling, in the same system?
You can set any email as Primary within plugin configuration. You also can copy Paypal plugin and configure it for another email/account: So you can use different accounts for different products if you want.