Amember and Mailchimp integration - how?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by dougpart, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. dougpart

    dougpart New Member

    Sep 8, 2016

    I'm trying to figure out how I can integrate amember and mailchimp. Basically I want new users to get automatically added to a list on mailchimp. I've read that this can be done, but can't find info on how to setup.

    I would appreciate any help.

    asami likes this.
  2. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    You need to enable newsletter module first
    aMember CP -> Configuration - >Setup/Configuration -> Plugins

    Then on same page enable mailchimp plugin in section 'Newsletter Plugins'
    and complete configuration at
    aMember CP -> Configuration - >Setup/Configuration -> Mailchimp

    Then define aMember Product <-> Mailchimp list relations at
    aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Newsletters
  3. mindyraymond

    mindyraymond New Member

    Jul 5, 2016
    I've added the Mailchimp plugin along with the set up requirements, but the list number in Mailchimp doesn't match the subscriber number in aMember.

    I've had an open ticket regarding this issue for over a week, and the solution they sent to me was that they exported the list out of aMember and manually imported into Mailchimp.

    That didn't solve my issue.

    I've have about 5 new singups over the weekend. They show up on my subscriber/mailchimp list in aMember, but the Mailchimp list hasn't changed.

    Isn't the Mailchimp list supposed to automatically update? What am I missing?
  4. benfitts

    benfitts Member

    Apr 10, 2008
    Cesar's response covered the steps you need to take. If it isn't automatically adding a user to Mailchimp then something is wrong.

    You may have missed a step or something may have changed. Once you setup the mailchimp plugin you need to do the integration under protect content. This defines a relationship between a product and your mailchimp list. Maybe you're missing that step?
  5. nicholas1127

    nicholas1127 New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    Hi. Is it possible to add aMember records/Users to a Mailchimp segment? Right now, it looks like I have to add them to a main list (in this case my list called "Master List". ). But, I need to add them to a segment... is that possible? See below.... the Master List has "segments" and the one I need to add to is called "VA New Audition Notification". Is that possible?

    Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 7.10.57 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 7.13.26 PM.png Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 7.10.57 PM.png

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