I Amember users, I have Amember since a week, and i want to know how to customize the page where the customer can have access to the content (see attached file) : Change the links (turn it in french) Change the colors (to adapt it to my site theme) Stuffs like that Is it possible from the aMember admin ? Thanks by advance ! Romain
You can translate necessary text in admin interface at aMember CP -> Utilities -> Edit Messages. You can use custom CSS rules to update standard colours. You can put your custom rules to file amember/application/default/views/public/css/site.css Here you can find some info about creating custom theme and templates modification. http://www.amember.com/docs/Themes_and_Templates
Does amember help us in this process? because I want to customize the appearance of my web members page but I donĀ“t know how to do it. I mean, I've read and understood all instructions but I'm unable to make that changes
Hi, I've solve the problem because i asked a professionnal of the CSS to customize my Amember, it cost me just 50$, and it's all good ! Thank you
Does amember help us in this procedure? since I need to redo the presence of my web parts page yet I don't know how to do it. That is to say, I've perused and seen all directions however I'm not able to roll out that improvements............