Just updated from 5.4.1 The update stopped revolution slider on homepage from working. On my site I want the ajax popup login links to work on everypage, but for this to happen on non amember pages, I need to include the following files manually in the header. if (!defined('ROOT_URL')) { // Enqueue the style wp_enqueue_style('amember','/amember/application/default/views/public/css/amember.css',array(), null, 'all'); // Enqueue the scripts wp_enqueue_script('amember1', '/amember/application/default/views/public/js/jquery/jquery.validate.js'); wp_enqueue_script('amember2', '/amember/application/default/views/public/js/jquery/jquery.ui.js'); wp_enqueue_script('amember3', '/amember/application/default/views/public/js/upload.js'); // wp_enqueue_script('amember4', '/amember/application/default/views/public/js/user.js'); } But after the upgrade this was making revolution slider not work with the following error:- Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).magicSelect is not a function at initElements (user.js:442) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (user.js:382) at i (jquery.js:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2) at Function.ready (jquery.js:2) at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js:2) When I remove the link to the following file the slider work ok, but the ajax popup login box no longer works /amember/application/default/views/public/js/user.js Is there a way to get the modal popup login box to work without it interferring with other things like revolution slider? Thanks Ben
Hello Ben, You need to enqueue one additional script before user.js: /amember/application/default/views/public/js/magicselect.js Best Regards.
Thanks, thats getting better. Only console error now is:- Code: SCRIPT5009: 'am_i18n' is not defined user.js (291,12)
You need to define it with this code: Code: am_i18n = {"toggle_password_visibility":"Toggle Password Visibility","password_strength":"Password Strength","upload_browse":"browse","upload_upload":"upload","upload_files":"Uploaded Files","upload_uploading":"Uploading...","ms_please_select":"-- Please Select --","ms_select_all":"Select All"};
Great thanks, its all working now, and rev slider is also working. Thanks for you help. Questions:- 1. I added the var via functions.php using this code:- Code: // Add scripts to wp_head() function child_theme_head_script() { if (!defined('ROOT_URL')) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var am_i18n = {"toggle_password_visibility":"Toggle Password Visibility","password_strength":"Password Strength","upload_browse":"browse","upload_upload":"upload","upload_files":"Uploaded Files","upload_uploading":"Uploading...","ms_please_select":"-- Please Select --","ms_select_all":"Select All"}; </script> <?php } } add_action( 'wp_head', 'child_theme_head_script' ); However is there a better way to add it maybe using "wp_localize_script" ? 2. I'm doing all this so that the popup modal login links work but is there a better way to achieve this, or is this approach the best way? Many thanks Ben