General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - aMember Data

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by sifucicero, May 14, 2018.

  1. sifucicero

    sifucicero aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 27, 2010
    Hello aMember Support,

    I'm a one person US business owner that has US and International client while using the aMember software - I want to make sure that I am GDPR \ EU compliant. Please help me to understand when members sign up if this falls under the GDPR \ EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  2. cherie

    cherie New Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    I'm interested in this topic, too. I am also in the US.
  3. drob357

    drob357 New Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    I am also interested in this topic. According to reliable sources if a business has international clients then we must include transparency in our sign up form. For an example if we are asking for their first and last name and email address, we must state in an info box why we are collecting this information and how we intend to use it. This is mandatory in order to be in compliance with the GDPR. For an example, you can say, "to provide updates and promotions". This directive not only applies to new subscribers but to existing ones...their consent to use their personal data is required. Also you must have a Privacy Policy that is GDPR compliant in the footer of your website. I hope this helps.
  4. trishl

    trishl aMember Pro Customer

    Apr 23, 2012
    I am also interested in how to handle this with aMember software.

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