Using the WordPress query monitor plugin, I see many errors that look like they are originating from the amember plugin. The errors all read as follows: There is an article about this on Stack Ooverflow : Can I just do a straight up replace operation? get_currentuserinfo to wp_get_current_user() Might want to consider updating the code as get_currentuserinfo appears to be outdated.
Here is wp-content/plugins/amember4.php from the plugin. Is there a newer version of this plugin I should be using, my amember install is at the latest version. PHP: <?php/*Plugin Name: aMember Pro v4 Integration Plugin for WordpressPlugin URI: Adds aMember functionality to Wordpress blogVersion: 1.1Author: CGI-Central <>Author URI:*/define("AM4_PLUGIN_DIR", WP_PLUGIN_DIR."/amember4");define("AM4_PLUGIN_URL", site_url("/wp-content/plugins/amember4"));define("AM4_INCLUDES", AM4_PLUGIN_DIR."/includes");if(!defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) define('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR', '/');//register_activation_hook(AM4_PLUGIN_DIR."/amember4.php", "amember4_plugin_activated");//register_deactivation_hook(AM4_PLUGIN_DIR."/amember4.php", "amember4_plugin_deactivated");class am4PluginsManager { private static $__plugins = array(); private static $cache = array(); private static $api = null; /** * * @var am4_Settings_Config */ private static $settings; static function get($name){ if(array_key_exists($name, self::$__plugins)) return self::$__plugins[$name]; return null; } static function getPlugin($name){ return self::get($name); } static function initPlugin($name){ // Check if plugin exists already; if(($plugin = self::get($name)) !== null) return $plugin; if(!class_exists($cname = "am4".ucfirst($name)) && is_file($plugin_file = dirname(__FILE__)."/".$name.".php")){ require_once($plugin_file); } if(class_exists($cname = "am4".ucfirst($name))){ $plugin = new $cname(); $plugin->init(); self::$__plugins[$name] = $plugin; return $plugin; } return null; } static function includes(){ include_once(AM4_INCLUDES . "/utils.php"); include_once(AM4_INCLUDES . "/plugin.php"); include_once(AM4_INCLUDES . "/controller.php"); include_once(AM4_INCLUDES . "/view.php"); include_once(AM4_INCLUDES . "/access.php"); include_once(AM4_INCLUDES . "/options.php"); } static function init(){ load_plugin_textdomain('am4-plugin', false, basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/languages'); self::includes(); self::initPlugin("basic"); self::initPlugin('notifications'); if(!self::checkDependencies()) return; self::initPlugin("menu"); if(self::isConfigured()){ self::initPlugin("protection"); self::initPlugin("shortcodes"); self::initPlugin("widgets"); self::initPlugin('tinymce'); } self::initAjaxActions(); } static function checkDependencies() { if(!class_exists('PDO')) { return false; } return true; } static function createController($name, $is_ajax=false){ $f = create_function('', $a = '$class = new '.$name.'(); $class->run'.($is_ajax ? 'Ajax' : '').'();'); return $f; } static function runController($name, $is_ajax=false){ call_user_func(self::createController($name, $is_ajax)); } static function initAjaxActions(){ foreach(get_declared_classes() as $cname){ if(is_subclass_of($cname, 'am4PageController')){ foreach(get_class_methods($cname) as $m){ if(preg_match("/^doAjax(.*)/", $m, $r)){ $hook = "wp_ajax_".am4PageController::getAjaxActionValue($cname); add_action($hook, self::createController($cname, am4PageController::AJAX)); break; } } } } } static function getOption($option){ if(empty(self::$settings)) self::$settings = new am4_Settings_Config (); return self::$settings->get($option); } static function getAmemberPath(){ return self::getOption("path"); } static function getAmemberURL(){ return self::getOption("url"); } static function selfURL($encode = true){ if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])){ $serverrequri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; }else{ $serverrequri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : ""; $protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; $port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); $url = $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$serverrequri; return ($encode ? base64_encode($url) : $url); } static function getLoginURL($redirect_back = true){ if($redirect_back){ $params = array( '_amember_redirect_url' => self::selfURL() ); $params = http_build_query($params, '', '&'); } return self::getAPI()->getLoginURL().($params ? "?".$params : ""); } static function initAPI($path=''){ $path = $path ? $path : self::getAmemberPath(); if($path === false) throw new Exception(__('aMember path is empty', 'am4-plugin')); if(!is_file($lite = $path.'/library/Am/Lite.php')) { throw new Exception(__('Specified path is not an aMember installation', 'am4-plugin')); } if(!class_exists('Am_Lite'))require_once($lite); } /** * * @return Am_Lite */ static function getAPI(){ if(!self::$api){ try{ self::initAPI(); self::$api = Am_Lite::getInstance(); }catch(Exception $e){ return false; } } return self::$api; } static function isConfigured(){ if(!self::getAPI()) return false; else return true; } static function getAMProducts(){ if(!array_key_exists("products", self::$cache)){ self::$cache['products'] = self::getAPI()->getProducts(); foreach (self::$cache['products'] as $id => $title) self::$cache['products'][$id] = sprintf('(%d) %s', $id, $title); } return self::$cache['products']; } static function getAMCategories(){ if(!array_key_exists("categories", self::$cache)){ self::$cache['categories'] = self::getAPI()->getCategories(); } return self::$cache['categories']; } static function getWpRoles($skip_admin=false){ $roles = new WP_Roles; $ret = array(); foreach($roles->roles as $k=>$v){ if($skip_admin && ($k == 'administrator')) continue; $ret[$k] = @$v['name']; } return $ret; } static function skipProtection(){ global $current_user; // Fix for NextGen plugin if(!function_exists('get_currentuserinfo')) return false; get_currentuserinfo(); if(!$current_user) return false; $master_roles = self::getOption('disable_protection'); $master_roles = array_merge((array) $master_roles, array('administrator')); if(array_intersect($master_roles, $current_user->roles)) return true; return false; } }//if(!defined('AM_VERSION'))am4PluginsManager::init();
You need to upgrade WP plugin to latest version. Please contact us in helpdesk and we will send you latest version
Yep, installed new plugin and all errors have cleared. Might be a good idea to rename the plugin to amember5.x to reflect the fact that it has been updated. Thanks