Hello I am a new user and am finding may around the system. One problem I have is that some of the standard descriptive words are not what I want. For example: On the invoice, I would like to change the word 'tax' to VAT I would like to change the word 'coupon' to 'voucher' throughout the site. I can change it on the labels in the forms editor, but there is still this great blue bar plonked on the form with 'Coupon' written on it in big letters. How do I change that? Then on the signup page 'membership type' does not really best desscribe what I am selling. I will be selling a series of short courses, and people might get confused if the form keeps talking about membership. How can I change this please? There are others, but lets start with those. If I know how to deal with those, hopefully I will be able to work out how to change the others. Note that I am not a techie programmer but I can follow clear instructions.
Hi Can you please be more specific? Where do I find the standard description file for version 4? I cannot find the path you indicate
That is not a path but url. Open it from your browser: http://www.YOURDOMAINNAME.com/amember/admin-trans-global
Alexander - that links is a godsend. Thank you! However, there is one thing I can't find in it. Where would I find the "Add/Renew Subscriptions" text so I can change it to "Add/Renew Membership" ? I looked in the link and the language files and didn't find it. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm using the latest version as of today.
Great! Thanks.... And how can I have the same changes for a language in one amember installation to be transferred to another in a second Ameber installation to keep using the same last version translation for all installations? Thanks
It's in my version. Type above url into browser and check around page 4 Once you have made your changes either use the 'Export' option to save file or once it has been saved download the default language file being used and upload it to your other aMember installations.
Once you have made your changes either use the 'Export' option to save file or once it has been saved download the default language file being used and upload it to your other aMember installations.[/quote] Thanks a lot, where do I have to upload the exported file?
Apparently, when I opened it through the link, removed what I did manually to the file, resaved it and changed it, then the changes showed up
Hi, I've gone round in circles with this. I changed a menu button text in the file amember/applications/default/user/default.php (e.g. 'Main Page' => 'Summary',) but the button in the user profile page is still the same. Then I tried mywebsite.com/amember/admin-trans-global and searched for Main Page. Well, it had already been changed to 'Summary'. So I saved it again. But still no change to the menu buttons. I also regenerated the databases, but no change. What can I try next? PS Please list the internal names for all the buttons. It took me a while to figure out that Add/Renew Subscriptions was simply 'add-renew'. None of this information is available in the manual. Also please put the amember version on page of the manual, because when I search for something and find an article, there's no way of knowing if the article is for v3 or v4. I wasted a lot of time searching for directories that don't exist in v4, only to realize that I was looking at the wrong manual.