Where in the code I can make changes so when an user signs in, I can redirect him to the proper web page? By example, if user wants to see a specific web page, he needs to log in first, then he will be redirected to this page
You can add additional amember_redirect_url parameter to your login form. Or specify it in url when you redirect user to aMember's login page: /amember/login/?amember_redirect_url=/url/
>>You can add additional amember_redirect_url parameter to your login form. Where is the login form? There are many logn.phtml files that are similar, but which one does the redirect ?
Sorry but I'm not sure what are you trying to do? I thought you have custom login form and what control where user will be redirected after login from that form. Please explain how you want it to work.
>>amember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Redirect after Login This works for one single redirect. I want to have other redirects. Is there a way to modify the login form to include other redirections? I figured out that in order to have other redirects, I had to modify some links. I just modified one that should redirect the user to a protected page. When the user clicks on this link, he is redirected to the login form, but not redirected back to the page he wanted to see. 2 days ago it worked, but that's because the page had a *html extension and was not even protected from unauthorized use. Today I changed this page to a *php extension and still used the same link. Unfortunatelly after the user was logged in, he was not able to access the desired page and it ended in a server loop. I had to add this code to the page I wanted to protect. PHP: <?phpsession_start();if(!isset($_SESSION['login'])) { header("Location: http://signipedia.com/amember/login?amember_redirect_url=http://signipedia.com/fable4.php"); exit; }?> Now I don't understand why the user is not redirected back to this protected page. If the page is unprotected, he can access it, but if the page is protected, it does not work. Do you have any idea? I hope my explanation is a little more clearer.