PayPal refunds and cancellation from within AM

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by simonsays, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. simonsays

    simonsays aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 5, 2008
    I was informed that aMember 5.1.x now allows PayPal refunds and cancellations from within aMember. Assuming it works, this is a welcome feature since logging into PayPal to cancel and refund payments was always a pain.

    I completed these fields in the PayPal plugin:

    Your Merchant ID
    API Username
    API Password
    API Signature

    When I try to cancel a recurring membership, I still get redirected to the PayPal site. So this feature is not working for me.

    Has anyone successfully cancelled or refunded recurring PayPal memberships from within AM?
  2. caesar

    caesar aMember Pro Developer Staff Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    This feature will work for payments/subscription that began after upgrade of aMember. aMember need to store some additional info during initial payment in order to do refunds/cancellations.
  3. zzargo

    zzargo New Member

    May 7, 2008
    I know this is an older thread - but I am experiencing the same thing.

    We are on 5.3.2 and have always been on v5.1+

    The API and merchant ID details are in the Paypal plugin within Amember.

    We just did a transaction and clicked "Stop Recurring" - but we were redirected to to cancel.

    How can we get this to work automatically without logging in to Paypal?
  4. sifucicero

    sifucicero aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 27, 2010
    I have been with aMember since 2009 and only customers with a PayPal account can cancel their subscription with PayPal. Other than that they can call PayPal or email us to cancel the subscription. Hope this helps. We are on the latest 5.x aMember upgrade. I did not know from an answer above that - the aMember pluggin does this for subscriptions after this upgrade. Good to know we'll be observing.

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