Do you mean you want to add it to thank you page? You can add it at amember/application/default/views/thanks.phtml
@caesar I mean the free membership confirmation page for example:
You need to edit template amember/application/default/views/layout.phtml and between <head></head> add the following code: PHP: <?php if (isset($_GET['_qf_EmailCode_display']) && $_GET['_qf_EmailCode_display']) : ?>//your code here<?php endif; ?>
Did you ever figure this out? When they are in the order process, I would like them to only see order type buttons, not all the nav buttons for the membership area. My guess is that it could be done with a simple "if statement" in site.php, but it's not simple to me. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. ________ nawaz
@waheed please refer to this thread for answer: