Im sure this has been asked before, Im working on my site using wordpress & its defaulting to 3 columns for the amember pages, how do I put as 1 or 2, on my other pages in wordpress I have check boxes to choose how many for each individual pages etc
Plugin uses default template from wordpress theme. There is no setting which allow to change that, this this can be done as aMember's layout file customization. Exact customization depends on theme
which amember file should I be looking at ? can I change the reference in it to point to a 2 column etc my template use a file for each eg. 1 column 2 column etc ... created with artisteer
sorry also does amember do email notifications to members if there is a new update to a post ? i have another plugin that does it, but thought I would ask
would this be what i look at ? members/application/default/plugins/protect/wordpress/wordpress.php // Change template path only if wordpress was included and use wordpress header is enabled. if (function_exists('status_header') && $this->getConfig('use_wordpress_theme')) { $path = defined("TEMPLATEPATH") ? TEMPLATEPATH : 'default'; $path = array_pop(preg_split('/[\/\\\]/', $path)); if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $path . '/layout.phtml'))
seemingly on changing the template to a freely available one, wordpress now uses only a full page 1 column for all things related to amember eg sign up etc and the correct designated columns for other pages, with the artisteer template, it was generating columns on the amember pages causing them to look dreadful ... However I could really use any info to find out what maybe I can do to correct this so i can use my own template :/
By default aMember uses /amember/application/default/plugins/protect/wordpress/default/layout.phtml template to render pages when you have use wordpress theme enabled. and in that template aMember just includes wordpress header and footer. You can add your modifications to that file.