
aMember PRO 6.3.26 released

Date: 6/19/2024

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.26. You can see changelog below.

Stripe: bugfix: duplicate payments were added in some situations
Stripe: important configuration notification
feat(paysys): New Payment System: JAD (
feat(paysys): New Payment System: Kuickpay Checkout (
fix(WordPress): correctly restore state after wp includes if network enabled
feat(forms-editor): ability to put javascript code to HEAD tag (option of Javascript brick)

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.25 released

Date: 6/11/2024

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.25. You can see changelog below.

ckeditor - include via webpack instead of cdn
feat(admin-ui): ability to search payments/invoices/refunds by user country
feat(form): ability to set default state for address brick
feat(admin-ui): ability to search payments/invoices/refunds by billing plan
feat(admin-ui): add ability to search invoice/payment/refund by invoice_id (ie. by index) - very handy on huge databases
fix(security): eliminate XSS on invalid license error page
Fixed bug: Rare Invoice download issues in Safari on some servers
Gohighlevel newsletter plugin added
feat(aff): Mass actions to approve/deny affiliate applications
fix(translation): eliminate warning (Array to string conversion) in translation form creation in PHP 8.2+
feat(helpdesk): ability to past image to message from clipboard
feat(helpdesk): api: helpdeskGetReplyForm/helpdeskReply events
feat(helpdesk): api: new ticket - add {before|after}Insert grid callbacks
feat(aff): add "in current year" period to Sales Amount, Sales Count, Sales Item Count commission rules
feat(api): new event Am_Event::CAN_UPGRADE - allow to hide some upgrade options based on any conditions
AM_ALL_PAYSYS_RECURRING - config constant, allow to use not recurring payment systems for recurring products - handle only first payment
    fix(2fa-totp): replace (it does not work) with js generated QR code
    feat(credits): Credits Balance Advanced User Filter
    GoogleAnalytics - GA4 added
    feat(storage): MojoCloud Object Storage
    Linkedin - fixed
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Cryptomus (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Afterpay (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Allopass (Card) (
    feat(worldpay): md5 signature support
    Dropp payment plugins added
    Revolut payment plugins added
    Netvalve payment plugin added
    SquareUp - fixed deprecated API endpoint
    Fixed bug: Unable to start SquareCheckout payment
    fix(mycryptocheckout): replace (it does not work) with js generated QR code
    feat(paysys): afterpay - ability to convert product currency to paysys currency
    NetbillingForm - recurring added
    Stripe plugin. Use payment element instead of card element in order to support all enabled payment methods

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.24 released

Date: 3/27/2024

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.24. You can see changelog below.

fix(regression): wp - remove reset.css if use wp theme option enabled
feat(webhooks): Add Comment to Webhook (for admin reference), Ability to send email notification to admin about permanently failed webhooks
Apple-SignIn fixed
fix(helpdesk): markdown - preserve leading spaces for code blocks

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.23 released

Date: 3/25/2024

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.23. You can see changelog below.

fix(regression): revert cdn for ckeditor to previous one to load full package
feat(security): does not allow to use current password on password change
feat(admin-ui): invoice preview on add invoice screen
fix(report): Year Shift in case of Leap Year (special case)
feat(admin-ui): exclude disabled admins from lists in helpdesk

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.22 released

Date: 3/14/2024

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.22. You can see changelog below.

feat(ux): add invoice in admin interface - does not allow to add several instance of same product with different billing plans (it is not supported and lead to error)
fix(clear-old-debug): clear action did not clear anything
fix(grid): js for live actions is not initialized in case of multiple grids setup during single request eg.: preDispatch and upgradesAction
Manual rebill bug "ArgumentCountError:4 arguments are required, 2 given" fixed
feat(report): Number of Payments by Billing Plan
feat(newsletter): ability to use more than one newsletter brick on same form
fix(mail-jet): workaround for names with comma, mailjet incorrectly split email address (do not take into account quotes and consider such address as two separated by comma)
fix(invoice): correct paysys_id for invoice if it is different from payment paysys_id when first payment added manually from admin interface
feat(rest-api): add _sort parameter
feat(ux): ability to copy code block to clipboard
feat(helpdesk): allow to use markdown code blocks in replies
feat(user-ui): Add search to Active Subscription Widget if it has more than 5 entries
fix(admin-ui): do not close opened invoice when click on invoice link from access record
feat(aff): new report - Affiliate Commissions By Product, display this report on affiliate statistics page
fix(aff): display commission and clicks on different graph since its have different units
feat(vat): vatid online validation for GB
feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Emaildelivery (
fix(report): User Distribution by Custom Field by Date: field can have name same as reserved words in SQL eg.: where
feat(upgrade): new option to apply upgrade only to active recurring subscriptions
fix(admin-ui): correct order of resources in group action Change Order
fix(performance): avoid full table scan on ticket view
feat(theme): replace twitter icon with X for social link block
fix(content-category): correct sort order for menu items
feat(layout): am-logged-in/am-logged-out helper classes for body in standard layout
fix(helpdesk): select correct menu item in admin interface for displaysnippets action
feat(admin-ui): mass action to force user to password change
feat(admin-ui): separate product id and title in access table (in user profile) in order to allow sort table by these fields independently
feat(performance): add preconnect for (if necessary) to improve font load speed
fix(helpdesk): do not discard reply content when switch from reply to comment
fix(upgrade): does not allow to upgrade expired products
feat(admin-ui): Ability to export grids to PDF
fix(mailwizz): compatability with php8
feat(recurring-management): allow to configure ability to cancel recurring subscription on per product basis
feat(product-upgrade): Ability to sort Upgrade Paths in admin interface
feat(menu): supports for alerts within menu items on user side
findByData fixed - use blob as well
fix(facebook): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
feat(aff): extract 'Custom Redirect' section to separate block
fix(resume-subscription): set due dat to today for resume invoice, disallow to cheat first period  calculation (user can get additional free access if pay invoice later) with delayed payment
fix(import): allow any type of line end (Unix, MS-Dos or Macintosh) for CSV file
fix(admin-ui): after adding/removing access, the User Access block gets vanished
feat(api): new event Am_Event::INVOICE_AFTER_FAILED
feat(report): Payments by Customer City
OTO - "skip if exists" fixed
    feat(subusers): ability to add user groups to subuser form
    feat(directory): directoryResizeImage view helper
    feat(drupal): compatibility with version 7.98+
    fix(drupal8): set multiple groups properly
    fix(block-pending-invoice): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    feat(upsell): ability to copy upsell in admin interface
    fix(cancel-on-upgrade): properly handle case when access added with future start date or user already had access to same product already
    fix(schedule-emails): correctly handle newsletter subscription condition
    fix(twitch): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    fix(apple-signin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    fix(paypal-identity): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    fix(yahoo-signin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    fix(linkedin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    fix(google-signin): compatibility with other plugins that uses blocks
    feat(schedule-emails): ability to send email to all users regardless active products
    Google sign in - get first/last name
    fix(apple-iap): remove cancel link from user/admin interface. It is not possible to cancel subscription from aMember side
    feat(brick-upgrade): ability to either pre-select first option or not (pre-selected by default)
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: CoinPayments (
    Epoch - bugfixed
    fix(fastspring-contextual): country can be null but can not be empty string
    fix(auto-login-placeholder): compatability with other autologin placeholders (explicit placeholder has priority over implicit)
    feat(buymeacoffee): validate webhook signature
    fix(warrior-plus): properly handle subscr_failed cases
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Explodely (
    Stripe - refunds fixed
    CC brick for Braintree plugin
    Samcart payment plugin added
    Nowpayments payment plugin added
    Phonepe payment plugin added
    Dpopay payment plugin added
    feat(paypro): partial refunds from admin interface
    feat(paypro): ability to cancel subscription and refund payments from aMember admin interface
    fix(beanstream): recurring payments
    Sagepay/Elavon URL's updated

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.21 released

Date: 12/4/2023

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.21. You can see changelog below.

feat(mail-template): %product_title_html% placeholder
feat(cart): mass action - set product picture
fix(grid): do not make field live-editable if action is not applicable to record
feat(recurring-management): allow to configure ability to resume cancelled recurring subscription on per product basis
feat(admin-ui): ability to sort table with access records on user Invoice/Access page
feat(admin-widget): Sales Statistic: ability to display number of active (not pending) registrations
feat(brick-coupon): ability to set default coupon only within configured date range
feat(admin-widget): Last Paid Users List
feat(admin-widget): Sales Statistic: ability to display number of paid registrations
feat(product-upgrade): ability to disable/enable upgrade paths
fix(vat): handle soap error from VAT ID validation server
optimized access_cache rebuild, works 2 times faster
User mass delete - do not break process if some user could not be deleted due to having active recurring subscriptions
Fixed duplicate file names for "Download Invoices (.pdf)"
Fixed bug: Upgrade prorated amount was not properly calculated in some situations.
feat(aff): filter for keywords statistics on affiliate side
feat(wp): compatibility with kadence theme
feat(admin-ui): ability to export Full Name of user in single column
feat(aff): top affiliate widget - option to use commission for all tiers to rank affiliates
feat(admin-ui): ability to export second_total/second_tax for invoices
fix(manual-rebill): execute onRebillSuccess for manual rebill
fix(admin-ui): sort by user column in Detailed Rebill Report window
Request method added to access logs
feat(aff): new commission rule condition - Invoice Started
Allow to translate Comment and Terms for Upgrade paths
    feat(aff-leads): add Total Spend as available column
    fix(product-chain): cancel all user invoices regardless of products
    feat(scheduleemails): ability to sort grid by email schedule
    Paddle: Added option to lock account on chargeback, Fix bug in refund handling Thanks to R Woodgate
    Epoch - log request to
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Paynet (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: PayCEC (

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!