
aMember PRO 4.3.4 released

Date: 10/4/2013

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.3.4. You can see changelog below.

Bug Fixed: user_status table was sync incorrectly for expired products in some cases (delete access/delete user)
Activecampaign plugin fixed
Fixed bug: Unable to import user and invoice external_id at the same time. Field names were the same.
Fixed bug: Unable to import recurring invoices. All invoices were created as not recurring.
Added user's external ID for import
Added ability to import invoice_external_id, useful for import of existing paypal subscribers
Respect Product Category Hierarchy (move from develop branch)
Fixed bug: wordpress plugin set default value for before/after select
Paysafecard payment plugin (move from develop branch)
Closes #1262 - removed "free_without_login" access permission option for folders
Implements #1294 - javascript file for custom js code which is not overwritten during upgrades

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.3.3 released

Date: 10/1/2013

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.3.3. You can see changelog below.

New Brick: ManualAccess (allow to add access to some products in background for new user signup - before payment!)
Fixed bug: unable to save product when clickbank plugin is enabled. (Unnecessary space before <?php tag)
Fixed inet-cash plugin
Fixed notice in amember CP when aweber plugin is enabled.
Affiliate: display user payouts on user edit page, ability to check commissions included in choosen payout (backend)
Wordpress plugin: fixed bug, incorrect protection of whole blog in some situations.
Affiliate: track datetime of affiliate assign, take it into account when use 'User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime'
OfficeAutoPilot ( SendPepper ) newsletter plugin added
Bug Fixed: need to use placeholder instead of literal value for db prefix (upgrade has been broken in 4.3.0+ if database prefix other than "am_" has been used for aMember)
Payflow plugin fixed to use new API
Korean locale fixed
API: move brick specific processing to Brick class, use Events to job

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.3.2 released

Date: 9/27/2013

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.3.2. You can see changelog below.

Implements #1288 - upgrade CKEDITOR to latest version
Bug Fixed: (affects 4.3.0+) avoid infinite loop if database had deleted users
Bug Fixed: Import does not go further from second step
Display cancel date for invoice in admin interface
Removed fieldset for coupon brick (coupon converted to a normal single field)
Drupal: single login for subdomains fixed
New Feature: ability to display products list in popup in case of checkbox input type is used (can be enabled in the brick configuration)
Single-login-session: Added notification to admin on simultaneous login
Added filter by payment system to amember CP -> Payments report.
Fixed several problems with payout when using wordpress theme integration.
Improved Demo Data Generation: 20% probability of cancel on each payment for recurring invoices
Closes #1297 - Account sharing Notification should send Email only once (per 20 minutes) for multiple login attempts
Added Link to details from affiliate commission amount in sales widget on dashboard

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.3.1 released

Date: 9/19/2013

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.3.1. You can see changelog below.

Fixed 4.3.0 bug: unable to submit signup form in php < 5.3.0
Fixed 4.3.0 bug: Error in wordpress theme integration.  Several Warnings on redirects when use wordpress theme is enabled.
Fixed 4.3.0 bug: Incorrect shopping cart layout when use wordpress theme.
Improve "Rebills by Date" page
Added filter to commissions grid on user page (backend)
Group Affiliate related tabs to one section in edit user screen in admin interface, add tab with commissions related to this user
Display related affiliate commissions in Invoice details on user page in admin interface
Ability to send email with payment link for any pending invoice in admin interface

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.3.0 released

Date: 9/18/2013

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.3.0. You can see changelog below.

Implements #384 - responsive design for default theme, works fine on mobile devices
Implements #470 - option to play a non-member video if not logged in, and a not-proper level video if logged in but of wrong level
Implements #1180 - Redirect after login -- If only one protected URL, go directly to the URL. Otherwise go to membership page
Implements #864 - Report of retention rates
Ajax validation of username/email/coupon
Implements #1014 - New setting for redirect after logout: redirect user to the page where logout link was clicked
Fixed bug: Cancel links didn't work for paypal-express plugin.
Implements #1030 - Ability to remove e-mails from history on the "e-mail users" page (for Super Admin Only)
Display info about users with same registration IP on edit user page in admin interface
Refs #1120 - Last User Logins Widget
Display next rebill date for invoice event we can not change it (it is important information for admins)
Subusers: send zero-day autoresponders to subusers
Added ability to exclude refunded payments from payment list at Report -> Payments
Utilize invoice_public_id field instead of JOIN with invoice table
Fixed bug: Base URL on thanks page were wrong in some situations.
Calculate totals for refunds grid
Calculate Totals in Payment Grid in case of Filter is applied
Translations from database will be searched by Locale first and then by language code. (in order to support zh_Hans and zh_Hant locales)
Added support of zh_Hans and zh_hant locales to Zend_Locale
Added ability to resend postback for paypal pro plugin.
Fixed bug: Rebuild DB sometimes generate "Incorrect response received" error.
Notification Plugin: ability to preview notification from admin interface
Notification Plugin: ability to use custom html to build messasge , ability to limit number of display per user
Implements #608 - Metadata for saved forms
New Feature: metatags support for Pages
Subusers module: add resseler's placeholder to subuser email template
Implements #1287 - Ability to Import Coupon codes from CSV list
Implements #1220 - Enhancement of security permisions in Admin Settings
Closes #1282 - respect product sort order in report display
Underlying ZendFramework updated to 1.11.14
Implements #1245 - List of future rebillings, Improve Invoice filter (ability to search by tm_added, tm_started, tm_cancelled, rebill_date)
Implements #954 - Support for Range- HTTP headers in downloads (download will not start again if interrupted and started again)
Refs #1220 - added separate admin permission for message translations
Improve Options Editor: ability to import options from CSV list
Implements #1176 - Allow to completely customize 404/Not Found error page (use built-in amember pages) * Default - Make this Brick Required Only in Case There is not any Required Brick on Page Above It * Always - Force User to Choose Some Product from this Brick * Never - Products in this Brick is Optional (Not Required) * Alternate - User can Choose Product in any Brick of Such Type on Page but he Should Choose at least One Product
Implements #959 - in forms - fields only displayed if membership is active
Implements #1042 - Ability to select certain BILLING PLANS to appear on a signup form
Interface to assign affiliate to coupon batch or to exact coupon
Abillity to preview content pages from admin interface
New Feature: ability to preview expire and autoresponder from admin interface
API: ability to use custom transport instead of Default for send emails
New Feature: ability to completely customize index page from admin interface (use one of pages for it)
Subusers: Added ablility to import subusers from a CSV file
Implements #1265 - added product title placeholder to expire emails
Easy Ability to Set Lifetime Date from admin Interface - just button Lifetime in Datepicker
OTO: avoid to add additional html tags in case of offer is already conplete html page
Bug fixed: datepicker was not initialized in case of element added to DOM later (as result of ajax request)
Add integration with LimeLight CRM as payment plugin
Added ability to send autoresponder and expiration email to admin, other emails, bcc
Gift-vouchers misc plugin: fix generate random code
Subusers: ability to use different profile form for subusers
Helpdesk: user can not reply in closed ticket
Phpfox plugin updated to work with 3.6.0
InfusionSoft plugin: catch errors in init
Added ability to sort helpdesk categories
Bug fixed: notification about cancelled invoice has been sent to user instead of admin
New feature: short urls for signup pages
Ability to change header logo for default theme from admin interface
Directory: use installation specific obfuscate method to hide real user id to do not disclosure real user id
Helpdesk: new configuration option - ability to make FAQ section public
Ability to add gravatar images to user grid in admin interface
Implements #1271 - Show Gravatar Images on HelpDesk Tickets
Implements #1269 - GST tax should be calculated after total and without price changing
Implements #1255 - Improve FAQ in Helpdesk
Refs #1255 - helpdesk: ability to set up FAQ items without categories, ability to edit existing categories
Implements #1163 - IP Blocking convenience link
Implements #1093 - when using coupon which is not applicable to current purchase - post an error
Implements #974 - Invoicing (compose invoice from admin interface and send payment link to user email)
Implements #800 - Ability to make any custom field hidden on signup form and set default value
Agreement Brick: configuration option to not display agreement text on form, display only tick box instead
Bug fixed: browse link did not work for resend email action if entered body is too long
API: new event Am_Event::SAVED_FORM_GET_BRICKS - ability to change list of bricks depends on current environment, may be useful for many customizations
Implements #1110 - coupon usage - only if active/expired for product X
Implements #1266 - Add refund status to admin payments page/export
Implements #789 - Email History Per User
Added Japanese language
Fixed bug: reCaptcha was not loaded correctly on non-Apache servers when use https.
Bug fixed: coupon was applied to any product in case if coupon configuration has chosen empty category as Product Restriction option
Fixed bug: Send copy of all admin notifications did not allow to use list of emails
Misc Plugin: Login Monitor - send email message to admin every time user login to aMember
Coupons usage statistic fixed to show transactions(payments + 100% discounted invoices)
New option for newsletters plugins added: Unsubscribe customer from selected newsletter threads after signup or payment
Added lost password form protection by IP address. If there are too many requests from the same IP, form will be blocked for 3 hours.
Activecampaign plugin reworked
New option added: recaptcha theme for login page
Implements #885 - affiliate ID - use username/do not reveal id of user in database
Fixed bug: Unable to configure sales widget on Dashboard.
API: GET_LOGIN_REGEX and GET_STRONG_PASSWORD_REGEX events introduced, ability to alter hardcoded regexp from plugin or site.php
Fixed bug: Zero commissions should not be added.
Fixed bug: Save button in member's area -> Affiliate Info -> Payout info wasn't translated properly.
Implements #1227 - Change BLOB value in am_store to MEDIUMBLOB, there is no any issue with performance
Implements #968 - does not allow to paste to confirmation email/password field
Implements #1233 - Reflect refunds in last X payments widget + separate widget With refunds
Helpdesk: Ability to change category of existing ticket in admin interface
API: ability to customize profile page from hooks (member/profile/top and member/profile/bottom blocks)
***Single-login-session plugin implemented:
    Implements #231 - Single Login Session: Several users will not be able to login simultaneously from different computers with same credentials.
    ability to allow simultaneous login, use plugin only to track online status
    Implements #1120 - customer login indicator (Online/Never/Last Login DateTime) (single-login-session plugin)
    API: new event introduced Am_Event::AUTH_CHECK_USER can be used to prevent user login from plugin eg. it can be used to not allow concurent sign in for same user from different hosts
    Subusers module: fix placeholders
***Affiliate Program
    Track affiliate source and display it for admin reference enum('cookie', 'ip', 'admin-ID', 'coupon-CODE')
    Ability to filter affiliate stats by date range
    Calculate totals in affiliate commission stats
    API: New hook GET_AFF_REDIRECT_LINK added to change affiliate redirect link
    Added Webmoney as affiliate payout method
    Ability to set up email notification for user who got commission but did not choose payout method yet (sent only once for user)
    Render notice regarding empty affiliate payout methods on all affiliate pages as well
    Added ability to remove generated payout in case it was not paid yet
    Implements #956 - Ability to assign coupon code to specific affiliate
    Implements #1209 - ability to add affiliate links into outgoing e-mails
    Affiliate: ability to change affiliate for user or complete unassign it from admin interface
    Implements #1077 - ability to organize banners by category, ability to add HTML block to the top of the page where admin can provide instructions for affiliates
***Shopping Cart
    ability to manage layout from admin interface
    separate image size for preview, cart and full description image
    image of product in cart
    display either short description or full description, not both together
    User Friendly URLs for products - /product/product+alias
***Integration Plugins
    InfusionSoft: Fixed bug: plugin's cron process  failed if contact was removed from InfusionCRM.
    InfusionSoft: Bug fixed: paypal ipn did not work with enabled infusion-soft
    Added new protect plugin: typo3
    Bug fixed: drupal plugin could not parse config for version 6
***Wordpress Integration
    Closes #1259 Wordpress plugin: Implemented Bulk protection for custom post types
    Closes #1285 Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: category protection didn't work
    Fixed bug: Wordpress protected content wasn't available for administrators
    Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin. Incompatibility with NextGen plugin fixed
    Fixed bug: Infusion plugin didn't use cache in some situations
    Wordpress plugin: remove get_called_class definition. Function is incorrect and can lead to infinity loop
    Wordpress plugin: fixed errors on edit tag screen
***Payment Plugins
    Implemented "Accept Direct Payments" for epoch payment plugin.
    Moneybookers: cancellations support added, status changed to beta
    PayPalPro: Fixed bug: SuccessWithWarning  response wasn't properly handled
    Plimus: can handle direct payments now
    PayOne payment plugin: some bugs fixed
    Wepay: new option - fee payer
    TargetPay-iDeal cc payment plugin: new cbank format; fixed directdebit check URL
    Added validation mode to Zombaio plugin. Zombaio doesn't allow to install zscript without validation now.
    Fixed paypal cancellation links.
    Madmimi plugin fixed
    Implemented update CC info for paypal pro plugin.
    Xcart plugin fixed
    Payforit cc plugin: add option for use iframe at aMember site
    Payflow-link plugin fixed: handle browser redirect to IPN URL and redirect to default thanks page
    Payment Express (DPS) payment plugin: typo fixed
    DPS Payment Express cc payment plugin: add possiblity to change plugin button name at admin area
    1SC multipurchase fixed(in front of Amember)
    Fixed bug: payFlow Link plugin didn't activate completed payment.
    Bitpay payment plugin: added default option of speed/risk and http-protocol for returl-url at plugin settings
    Bitpay payment plugin: add speed/risk options of transaction
    A6iT cc payment plugin: fix validate at rebilling
    1shoppingcart: correctly handle start recurring in case of free trial
    Bug fixed: 2CO - did not count first period for recurring products if product is not lifetime
    Fixed bug: Free trials were not handled correctly to 1SC plugin.
    Fixed bug: Unable to purchase multiple products via fastspring, when it used before amember.

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.2.19 released

Date: 7/8/2013

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.2.19. You can see changelog below.

IMPORATANT: Improved checks for payment amount for not-recurring PayPal payments
Implements #1213 - ability to select all fields in export and customize table action
Added new cc payment plugin: DPS Payment Express (cc is not stored)
Payforit cc payment plugin: chenges at PFI service
Added ability to customize profile_changed template in admin interface
Implements #693 - If no first and last name saved for affiliate then the login value should be used
Intuit payment plugin
BitPay payment plugin included into release for beta-testing
Implements #563 - Change error that is displayed when you try to protect the same folder twice
WePay: refund, cancel processing fixed

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!