The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.1.14. You can see changelog below.
Fixed handling of "free access" records Fixed several bugs in autoresponders for free signups Fixed problem with rebuilding .htpasswd and e-mail sending Fixed order of paysystems on signup page Added product's category description to cart index. Fixed serious problem in htpasswd protection module Bug fixed: "prevent if other" options was populated incorrectly in case of there is not any product category Bug fixed: Autoresponder templates were sent incorrectly, if there were free resources defined. Language files updated Sticky groups option added to Vanilla plugin. aMember will not remove these groups from user's account. Allow user upload attachmets in case of he has permission to send emails Drupal plugin: added support for Drupal v6 and also enabled auto_create for Drupal plugin. Fixed bug: auto_create didn't work in integration plugins. Implemented new setting: Send Registration E-Mail when user is created from aMember CP Fixed bug: Wordpress logout links didn't logout user from aMember. API: fixed Am_Blocks->remove($id) method Rebuild Db optimized Fixed bug: Notices were generated by cron process. Fixed bug: Plimus plugin: Incorrect url was used to redirect user to Plimus Wordpress plugin: Added ability to disable protection for users of specified roles.(like it worked for admin users already)
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.1.13. You can see changelog below.
Presets implemented for flowplayer configuration Added "Paypal MassPay/Export CSV" functionality for affilaite payouts Removed iKobo and SafePay affiliate payout methods Respect site domain for relative urls on page in case of load amember pages via proxy (e.g. WorldPay) Fixed bug: CURL was used as HTTP_Request2 adapter even if it was disabled for security reasons Fixed several bugs in fastspring plugin. Added ability to require coupon on signup form (in brick configuration) Greek language loading fixed Kayako plugin -> BETA SMF plugin beta added - tested with SMF 2.0.2 Implements #676 - show username on delete user confirm screen Fixed bug: "Argument 3 passed to Am_Paysystem_CreditCard::doBill() must be an instance of CcRecord, null given" errors generated by cron when paypal-pro plugin enabled. Implemented import script to import users from DAP (paypal payments only) Fixed bug: get_current_screen() errors fixed for older wordpress versions New way to handle Dokeos single login. Fixed bug: problems with pagelines framework styles on WP dashboard Fixed bug: Exception on Clickbank Payment refund from aMember CP. Fixed bug: Fatal error in vanilla plugin: Call to a member function isLoaded() on a non-object Increase memory_limit (sometimes a problem with aMember + wordpress + many plugins + pdf invoice) Closes #722 - javascript code which hide paysestems for free products works incorrectly in case of two bricks with products Closes #685 - If you apply filters after creating email to users, all email content is deleted Closes #679 - product setup - second payment lifetime duration Implements #724 - translations for additional fields (title/description) Implements #667 - remember used hidden category codes and allow to operate on products from these categories without passing category code to url again Closes #716 - Translation of Custom Fields does not work Bug fixed - didn't save category description Display "Lifetime" instead of "expires 12/31/37" in member area Access records without invoice were not deleted when customer was deleted Bug fixed - unable to add previously deleted default commissions. PremiumWebCart plugin development version Added manual_approve_admin email template Import ZIP Code field from v3 New setting aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Skip Index Page. When logged-in user try to access /amember/index, he will be redirected to member's area. "Delete Invoice" action implemented. Invoice can be deleted from aMember CP -> Payments -> Invoices or from Edit User -> Payments Fixed bug: aMember CP -> Protect Content -> New -> Hide setting was ignored on redirect after login. Removed notice about recurring payments from ClickBank plugin Fixes #714 - respect billing plan during invoice auto-creation Bug fixed: hidden categories were shown on product page Bug fixed: url to detailed product page for product from hidden category generate error Fixes #667 - delete item from cart in case of qty = 0 Improved error handling in Am_lite (add useExceptions) mode Closes #713 - Magicselect - special handling for empty values in admin-setup Implements #308 - adding product conditional if a user has active subscription to a category Closes #655 - invoice filter fixed to handle correctly invoice_id started with number Closes #699 - coupon recurring or not display improved Fixed bug: Sometimes user was not redirected to payment page after signup form submit in IE9 Closes #694 - renewal group was corrupted on product update Closes #672 - Preselect paysystem in 'Add Payment' form in aMember Cp -> Browse Users -> Payments Fixed bug: errors when suhosin is enabled Dokeos plugin beta. Closes #692 - paypal plugin does not validate payment amounts Implements #429 - Coupon Count Visual Notification Fixed bug: Paypal Express plugin didn't handle SuccessWithWarning response correctly. Fixed bug: Paypal PRO plugin didn't handle SuccessWithWarning response correctly. Closes #291 - Order error: confusing message Fixed bug: Several Recoverable errors fixed. bug fixed - unable to edit email templates with attachments Fixed bug: Commission detains popup wasn't working . Improvement: New setting in 2Checkout plugin: "Use Multi Page Checkout" -bug fixed with long strings with /r/n single login for subdomain fixed Fixed bug: Unable to edit product in invoice if Admin user doesn't have superuser permissions. Fixed spelling error: adddress -> address flowplayer configuration -partially working, has not been tested with response from webmoney bug fixed with validation of new login when edit profile by user -replaced checkboxes with select field with 2 options YES/NO - helpful for advanced search by field like email_confirmed=NO Fixed bug: Third-party script's cookies were not checked on Signup page. - respect qty of items of same product Invoice(After|Before)Insert and Invoice(After|Before)Delete hooks PAP plugin -> beta Added links to invoice and user from Invoice log grid. WP plugin: redirect all login links to aMember's login page. added invision 3 plugin BETA fixed link to aMember CP -> Protect Content -> Integrations -invision plugin dev added ability to send refund requests fro clickbank recurring subscriptions from admin area closes #678 Added new custom field type: date. PAP plugin dev. Fixed bug: javascript issues in integration with karma wordpress theme. Fixed bug: Paypal PRO rebilling issues mentioned in this thread: Removed user.pass variable from email templates. Plain text password in not available anymore. Fixed bug: Unable to uncheck "Affiliate can view Sales Details" checkbox in Affiliate setup tab. -fixed conflict if use facebook from wordpress highcharts updated to 2.1.9 Added ability to cancel recurring clickbank subscriptions for user and admin from amember Bug fixed with cancellation, invoice could be marked as canceled even if cancellation process thrown an exception Closes #585 - UTF8 chars from aMember to third-party script Fixed bug: Upgrade script was unable to find aMember's installation path on some servers. Paypal pro fix: do not setup TRIAL* vars, it is already handled by STARTDATE Added supported currencies iDevAffiliate plugin added handler for cancel and refund IPN's fixed findtime(), now it is using difference with Clickbank server Revert "better compatability of css rules" Add space between rows of tabs in user menu in case of there is two or more rows Fire NeedSessionRefresh even when user change password. Fixed bug: Payment notifications (both user's and admin's)were sent only for first payment within invoice. added admin notification for free signups added translation for signup form title added Turkish lira as supported currency JS bug fixed with Safari Implements #666 - Am_Pdf_Page_Decorator Improvement: Centered text ePay payment plugin Implements #644 - Plugin to limit subscriptions count for specific product
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.1.12. You can see changelog below.
Product quantity can be configured in billing plan settings to be fixed or flexible (flexible qty works in shopping cart interface only) Fixed bug: access period calculation - if user's latest access record for given product have expiration date in the past, aMember will take current date as new access record start date. This was done to handle situations when next payment within invoice was added with delay (for example if there is a problem with connection between amember and payment system and admin have to add payment to user's invoice record manually). Fixed bug: Several Javascript issues on aMember pages when "Use Wordpress Theme" is enabled. Bug fixed: wrong signup day in aff commission calculation Wordpress plugin: karma theme integration. Fixed bug: vBulletin plguin groups calculation issue. If user have more then one product with different primary groups, only one group was used. No second group will be added as additional group. Fixed bug: 404 errors on aMember pages when worpress theme used. Fixed bug: PayPal PRO subscriptions were not cancelled when cancel link was used from aMember CP. Fixed bug: logging not UTF-8 IPN messages Improvement: Accept Direct Payments support added to paypal plugin Fixed bug: sort of preselected products on signup page Fixed bug: Wordpress plugin: javascript error in widgets area when mootools library used by theme. -renewal didn't work with public_id like 12345-XYZ imported from version 3 Fixed bug: Unable to get logged in user info from Am_Lite when suhosin.session.encrypt is enabled(wordpress plugin was affected as well). When suhosin.session.encrypt is enabled, amember will use default php sessions Fixed bug: cancellation url for paypal-express subscriptions. Fixed bug: Unable to cancel Paypal pro recurring subscription. Fixed bug: FirstData plugin generate SQL error on payment activation. Display qty in admin invoices view Added new Brick: HTML text Fixed bug: paypal pro ipn script generate error. Added support of API certificates Improvement: Setup process will check for necessary extensions installed in php. Closes #637 Fixed bug: Am_Lite didn't work when aMember use different session name. added autologin for autocreated payments Closes #637 Added ability to specify only First or Last name in signup form. Added such setting to name "brick" Closes #638 Added hint to dirbrowser in wordpress plugin. Closes #629 Fixed bug: User is not logged in to third party script after purchase Fixed bug: Cancellation url was not available in user's payment history for paypal payment plugin. Fixed bug: User requested email messages (such as lost passwords or signup message ) were not sent and incorrectly added to email queue if limit of period email messages were reached. Filter for admin logs added Coupons export added Closes #639 - minor HTML fix Closes #634 - fixed FR states Closes #614 - for fields, require name to start with a letter Closes #609 - Incorrect redirect after login in aff module Added new block to member's area -> main screen. Block will include list of active products that user have + these products expiration dates. CSRF protection added to all admin forms Refs #636 - paypal-express IPN does not work Added default country option to Address Info brick. Added Separate display/require options for each field in address info brick. closes #597 - error during exception handling in custom app Gratefully handle situation when IPN is handled earlier than Thanks transaction Revert "better handling for thanksaction added" Added manually approve new affiliates possibility. When affiliate signup type will be set to "Only admin can add user as affiliate" and user will signup through affiliate signup form, his account will be set as not approved. Closes #508 Implemented Manually approve new users functionality. Better compatibility of css rules Skip validation for additional fields in aMember CP -> Add user form Fixed bug: After login into aMember CP admin were redirected to dashboard instead of link he clicked. (For example when admin receive email from helpdesk and click a link to open ticket, he was redirected to Dashboard instead of ticket content) Placeholder for user info in Admin user's related pages. Fixed bug: Redirects didn't happen in IE9 (wrong charset in ajax responses) Fixed bug: Affilite info tab was displayed incorrectly in IE9 Added suhosin.session.encrypt check. Integration will not work when that setting enabled. Strange bug: get_magic_quotes_gpc() return false but quotes in _POST array are still being escaped. Issue happens if magic_quotes_gpc is enabled in master php.ini. Tested on system: aMember 4.1.10 PHP 5.3.8 (cgi-fcgi) with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.0.9, Copyright (c) 2002-2011, by ionCube Ltd., and with Zend Guard Loader v3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies Disabled php_flag in htaccess because arrays will be escaped later in Am_Mvc_Request. ticket: Fixed bug with import of miltiple payments Currency code added Fixed paysys_id for autocreated payments and added messages for better debugging Closes #627 Fixed bug: vBulletin plguin Users were added as COPPA users into vBulletin Fixed bug: single login does not work when vBulletin installed on subdomain. Disable error if ini_set is disabled. Turkish language added Fixed bug: Unable to view user's invoices/access when user signup with coupon and that coupon was deleted. Fixed Bug: Payout info form didn;t work in IE9 Fixed bug: Shopping cart: incorrect link. Fix in Invoice Log table Delete all headers sent by wordpress. It send Last-Modified header automatically and this sometime lead to "Too many redirects" problem in Firefox when try to access protected content after login.
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.1.10. You can see changelog below.
API: Added Am_Event::INVOICE_*CALCULATE hooks Implements #590 - resend IPN Closes #584 Fixed bug: WP plugin cannot detect windows aMember path Closes #571 - After import from version3, when Rebuild Db clicked, all customers are receiving e-mails Closes #581 - Product Category filter problems Implements #591 - Delete file if it is not used somewhere else Wordpress plugin: added POT file Propertly handle tax with digits after dot Propertly handle IP address instead of domain name when setting cookies Do not send notification to user for admin comments in helpdesk Wordpress plugin: New shortcode am4aff - content will be displayed only for affiliates. Closes #596 - indicate if user is locked or do not approved in user grid Wordpress plugin: am4view notactive fixed. Fixed bug: IE8 IE9 and latest version of chrome does not accept cookies if domain is set to localhost. Fixed bug: Single login didn't work when efront installed on different server. Added link to edit user profile from ticket page. Changed invoice address rendering Implements #582 - Display product category in admin-products list Fixed bug: Payments were not activated if pdf invoice template is not correct. Bug fixed: local translations with newline in string works incorrectly API: Fixed bug: "Failed loading key" errors on single login for some protection plugins. Import identify existing users by login or email (instead of just login) Sometimes Free paysystem was used even if product is not free Javascript error on signup page fixed Ability to "live" edit sort order for products in grid Bug fixed: autoloader can not load Am_Report_AffStats Signup forms now use alternative templates as choosed in form editor Norwegian language added Firstdata (linkpoint) plugin alpha cart.js: makes possible to create cart buttons and links outside of aMember DIBS payment plugin added Wordpress plugin: Added new attribute to am4guest shortcode (notactive) to disable shortcode text for not active users as well. Added prefix to aMember menu items Orion theme integration Closes #573 - in WordPress 3.3 when configuring the amember plugin, the title shows up as getTitle());?> Fixed bug: Remove unnecessary commas from invoice if user do not have address info specified.
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.1.9. You can see changelog below.
Implements #562 - Saved search can't be used in aMember CP -> Email users Fixes #543 - Cannot send headers; headers already sent in appeared in logs for file downloads Fixed a bug in "aff" module - it was never calculating "Signup" commissions Closes #564 - wrong alignment in message (helpdesk) Fixed bug: CSS styles were not displayed for urls like /~test/amember/ Fixed bug: Affiliate tab was broken in Edit user screen
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.1.8. You can see changelog below.
Added invoices list to "aMember CP -> Payments" page' Implemented ability to add readme for admin setup Forms. Added readme for reCaptcha. Refs #560 - added * mark to "Name" field in signup form ClickBank: IPN timezone fixed (resulted to incorrect date for ClickBank transactions) Fixed bug: Disable autolock setting didn't work. Closes #335 - allow to choose language+locale instead of just language. Choice also affects date and numbers format Joomla plugin: Joomla 1.5 support Display plugin status warning in setup forms Added aff_id to export fields list Integration plugins: created separate fields for Primary and additional groups in Integration setup screen. Epoch payment plugin (aplpha) Fixed bug: Use of wordpress theme in aMember and whole blog protection at the same time leads to redirect loop. Implemented #519 - l18n for payment terms Implemented #549 - highlight Add/Renew button in case of it is active Implemented #540 - preselect first product&paysys in signup form Added new reports: payments from New vs Existing members, and count of user signups during period Reports UI improved. Added new reports: payment breakdown by payment system and by product Update incorrectly imported invoice_item.**_total fields Affiliate reports moved into [aff] module Problem with wrong xml from efront api partially fixed Cashu plugin (alpha) Better invoice log display Closes #544 - paypal pro double charge (dosale + createsubscription) Fixed php error in Lite.php Added Portuguese and Croatian languages Fixed bug: Redirect loop when user doesn't have access to folder. Added report by paysystems Ability to link affiliate to user manually Closes #537 - Limit affiliate commissions lifetime Closes #524 - ability to reupload removed file Do not display cron warnings in maintenance mode Closes #531 - replace products in invoice Refs #524 - show error in grid with file in case of actual file was removed from disk Closes #515 - assign %site_title%, %root_url%, and %root_surl% to any e-mail Closes #511 - Protected "Page" must redirect to login if not logged-in Closes #520 - specify mysql port on setup, and gracefully handle connection errors Closes #527 - Some "provincia" items are missing for italian costumers Closes #528 - Admin username with spaces is allowed, but login does not work Closes #528 - allow user login with space in username api: (User) $user->getExpire($productIds) function added Parse dates without named regex segments (was causing problems on some hostings) Add autocomplete to new ticket form in admin area Bug fixed: there was not ability to uncheck all checkboxes, checkbox get value from request but it is null in case of all checkboxes is unchecked Closes #529 - Check Box Field not displaying checkmark on Profile Form Fixed bug: Problem with products import from v3 if product info contains UTF-8 chars Authorize.NET CIM beta implementation Closes #532 - english typo Payanyway plugin Fixed bug: user was not redirected to target URL when click on affiliate link. Newsletter module: eliminate MySQL error in error log while subscribe/unsubscribe action Use own flag for each language instead of use US for all Implements #516 Export of custom fields Eliminated warning in _lang-choice.phtml Closes #513 - remove button from "awaiting email confirmation page" Closes #513 - warning when new-rewrite delete files Ability to add/edit description of uploaded files in popup 'Uploaded Files' dialog Closes #507 - uploaded file was not populated SWREG: correct response for refund notification xenforo integration: Increase session expire time Setting up correct multi-domain cookies for new-rewrite
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!