The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.5.4. You can see changelog below.
Separate Admin Permission to Edit Email Templates New Admin Widget: Last Emails New Email Sending Method: Postmark ( Store debug information in separate "Debug/Information" log. Leave Error Log just for real error messages. Ability to disable Admin account Helpdesk: ability to configure 'can edit message' timeout SMTP TLS client: use TLS 1.2 by default REST API: ability to bind API key to IPs Pass SavedForm instance to ValidateSavedForm event Update ckeditor to 4.10.0 Replace 'slave' terminology 'nested' in code Ability to hide upgrade link if user already has access to 'TO' product Payment Emails: Ability to set condition by payment system Estonian translation for billing terms Record Consent when user subscribe/unsubscribe from Dashboard Ability to translate title for saved forms Bug Fixed: Report Payments by Used Coupon Bug Fixed: Allow to have only one Upgrade Db process running at the same time. Bug Fixed: Ajax login form was never initialized Expandle ajax field, prevent multiple clicks issue PAP - refunds fixed ***Affiliates New model: hybrid - get affiliate from cookie, if there is no cookie set, use affiliate from user's profile New conditions for commisison rules (Affiliate has not access to Product or Product Category) New payout: Direct Deposit ***Newsletters New Newsletter Plugin: New Newsletter Plugin: Mautic ( Mailerlite - changeEmail fixed ***Payment Systems Braintree Drop-in UI - update card info fixed Beanstream remote: Send Card CVV it is required now Moneris: bug fixed with recurring subscription Ppay inc payment plugin Paymill: remove address from payment form, it is not used in any case Additional-stripe-sources - Sofort added Braintree: Paypal Credit option added Breintree: Refunds fixed plugin added 3DSecure and Google pay support in Hosted mode Amazon-pay: fixed to work with PHP 5.4 ***Notification plugin: added ability to add custom placeholders to notification message. added four different types of notifications: info, warning, success, danger ***Delete Personal Data remove avatar when user's account is anonymized added separate setting to show/hide delete link for users plugins should decide should record be removed or not depends on configuration disable access records once user's Personal Data is anonymized
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The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.5.3. You can see changelog below.
Improve UX within pending invoice notification configuration Bug Fixed: translation within form brick labels Avoid exceptions in Am_View_Helper_Icon (trigger notice) Add recaptcha to admin popup login form (if enabled) Shopping Cart button: ability to use specific billing plan and quantity Better compatibility with default WP themes Implements #1952: option to improve security of Password reset page Closes #1988: remove all previoslly stored partial signups on user registration Cancel page: we need to look up both GET and POST Improve tooltips Display maintenance notice for admin on frontened pages too EU VAT: correct default rates according 2018 EU VAT: ability to define custom rate for subdevision (France overseas departments) Bug Fixed: Multiple UserConsent Bricks on different pages in multi pages signup form Bulk delete action for coupons in admin interface Ability to search coupons by product API: ability to insert product and assign it to categories in single call Ability to use Invocie Summary brick with BuyNow buttons Independed pathes for upload and public dir. ability to switch defult settings in config Ability to make Newsletter brick required Grid/DataSource/Array sort number properly Signup Form: display error from invoice validation on signup form intead of throw exception Import from CSV: ability to import is_locked field Upload: get advantage from accept attribute Helpdesk: ability to include Ticket Fields to Email notifications to admin Skip validation for empty input (url and ip) in case of fields is not required PDf Invoice Bug Fixed: show tax instead of total Ability to show comment for user on upgarde subscription screen Added Anonymize Personal data bulk action S3 bug fixed ***Reports Count of Signups by Country Refunds by Customer Country Payments by Customer Country ***Affiliates Ability to set target to _blank for affiliate banners Aff clicks widget fixed Ability to specify different payout delay for user groups Separate admin permission to manage affiliate banners/links ***Newsletters Mailerlite: changeEmail New Plugin: Sendlane ( ***Payment Systems Stripe: extended metadata Additional-stripe-sources: add wechat Paydotcom: handle free trial Worldpay: Handle cancellation IPNs Authorize.aim: remove pipe from product name before submit transaction (we get response as pipe separted data and additiona pipe cause issue) BitPay: subscirptions create fixed New Plugin: DusPay Singapoure CC processing company New Plugin: VoguePay Nigerian paysystem support New Plugin: PayGol ( PaymentExpress: added refunds support Fixed bug: Fastspring-contextual recurring payments were not added ***Plugins Remember me functionality for authy plugin Google, Linkedin, Facebook: ability to choose postion of login button (above form|below form) thanks-redirect: ability to change thank you page url globally Subusers: ability to add name_f and name_l filds to subusers form separately instead of only option to put both together Fixed Bug: eFront Plugin: Courses were not activated properly in some situations Phpbb: update newset user colour if group changed conversion-track: ability to use %item.price%, etc. field-revision: separate page with list of field revison for all users
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.5.2. You can see changelog below.
Admin Email Users: ability to send test email before broadcast Advanced User Search Condition: Having active or future subscription to Mass Action: Assign Mutual Category Hierarchy to Products Ability to filter by product category in admin payments sections Import from CSV: Correctly fill First & Last name if import file has only one field for name PDF Invocie: move VAT ID to righ (client) column PDF Invoice: ability to choose logo position (left|right) Invoice Tax: show separate row for each different rate (case if invoice has products with differnt tax rate) Admin should be able to change qty for any product (Add Invoice From Admin interface) Ability to set exact access dates for products when create invoice from admin interface Display description of newsletter subscription within widget Product grid: do not show all categories for product in case of it have huge number of categories Use https for video embed code Heldpesk: prevent double click on Save button REST API: Ability to record user consent Portuguese translation for billing terms Add US Military State GDPR: Ability to keep access log while user's data is anonymized GDPR: Added ability to record consent withdrawals User Consent brick: Allow to include more then one agreement document in User Consent Brick. Correctly handle external document url. Open external agreement document in new window (target=_blank) Log access to all aMember pages mysql: switch utf8 to utf8mb4 (utf8 does not cover all utf8) Cart.js: more reliable way to detect root url Workaround for FireFox Bug (Bug 551943) Closes #1963 - Test Settings button in protection plugin configuratuion does not work for saved DB password (SecretText) S3 - fixed browsing of "subfolders" Wp plugin: fix shortcodes for php 7.1 Infusion Soft plugin: Update SDK, map username/password fields to custom fields in infusion Contact. Prevuious Username/Password fields won;t be supported in near future. Fixed bug: Email messages on rebilling even were reset on aMember CP -> Plugins page save Cancel Feedback: Ability to search user by cancelation reason Force I agree plugin: Document select implemented in bulk require consent action Upload: bug fixed for element with ID with dot ***Affiliate Payoneer Payout Method Add user group condition to filters ***Subusers Admin should be able to add subusers from admin interface Ability to manage order of fields on add subuser form ***Solid Color Theme Ability to upload background image in theme configuration Ability to use placeholder %year% within theme footer ***Downloads Module Ability to filter list by directory and file name Allow to display files and folders keeping hierarchy Allow to re-download from history page Allow to downlaod files from S3 when S3 plugin is enabled ***Payment Plugins Bambora Security settings update implemented 2checkout: ability to use lifetime as second period AmazonPay - fixed Merchantanywhere payment plugin added (stores cc info) Fixed Bug: Authorize.NET CIM plugin: Incorrect Payment Porfile ID error when "Hosted Profile Page" enabled in some situations Paypal-plus - fixed handling of not integer amounts Fastspring: Auto-create: properly hanlde quantities for multi-item orders Refunds for AmazonPay paypal: remove country prefix from state code before submit data to paypal Fixed bug: Braintree plugin: Customer wasn't stored in vault for free trial. Btcpay server plugin Fixed bug: Fastspring plugin autocreate didn't work in some situations
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.5.1. You can see changelog below.
Updated unsubscribe page to be more obvious for customer Added Finish locale to payment terms Payments/Invoices/Refunds - added user data fields to the export Wordpress plugin: added require_all attribute to am4show shortcode - require all specified products to show block ***GDPR Added ability to keep payout details when user is being anonymized if enabled in config Added ability to delete Agreement Documents Added ability to include Agreement Documents outside of amember Added ability for admin to anonymize user's account ***Bugs fixed Helpdesk - custom field translation fixed GDPR: Fixed several bugs in Delete/Anonymize user action. Force I Agree plugin: link to external agreement document wasn't displayed TwofactorDuoSecurity: unable to link two accouints with the same email(ADMIN and USER)
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The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.5.0. You can see changelog below.
Several improvements made to comply with GDRP requirements Improved compatiblity with PHP 7.2 Implements #1904: Ability to use Billing Plan Title instead of Product Title on signup form New Report: Conversion rate by payment system breakdown Security: hide password fields in payment plugins configuration HTML brick now uses HTML editor in configuration. Shopping Cart: ability to use static page on front page, add cart menu to User Menu interface New feature: Force password change for particular user regardless any other settings Ability to change parent node for tree items (user groups/product categories/resource categories), insert node to proper place (according sort order) Google-analytics plugin modified to support google tag manager SMTP Sending Method: Ability to use Plain Auth (some smtp does not support login) New option 'Unsubscribe customer from selected newsletter threads' in all newsletter plugins Implemented Ability to change rebill date for offline invoices from amember Control panel. Implemented Live Search in Active Resources widget Implemented 3DS Support in Stripe plugin Implemented ability to add manual commission in Affiliate module Implements #1939: HTML view for reports send by email Password reset message - added IP address to the email body Subusers: Implemented ability to invite exiting customers to join parent account Self-Service plugin: Allow to "order" more then one product copy using credits ***GDPR Support for multiple agreements with changelog history and with tracking for each user Added an option to download Personal Data for customers Ability for user to delete personal data from system. (required for GDPR compliance) Ability to keep some fields that could be required by legal reasosn(for VAT purpose for example) Do not pass plain email via url Force-i-agree plugin is included by default. Newsletter lists brick, do not pre-select lists by default Ability to attach aMember CP -> Protected Content -> Email messages to a newsletter list. If you have several marketing autoresponders you will be able to get user consent. Ability to add more then one consent brick to signup page. New functionality to manage site Terms & Policy documents and their revisions Show user consent history Record Newsletter Lists Consent and show it in User Consent Tab Force-i-agree plugin reworked to support new functionality. Added information about personal data that is being connected by default Agreement brick: support url to external agreement ***Integration Plugins Freeradius Birthday Email - allow to send email to user on his birthday (you can use autocoupon plugin to include personal discount code to email message), User Mass Delete plugin Twitch integration Wordpress plugin supports Learndash MailJet Plugin: change email implemented XenForo: Implemented xenforo2 redirect addon, and fixed PHP 7.2 support ***Payment Plugins Coinbase-commerce Recurly Securionpay Braintree plugin: Pass order description to braintree BitPay library updated in plugin ***Bugs Fixed Re-implement Add Invoice product block. Block UI fixed to make it more obvious. Downloads: fix sort order for PHP 7 and higher Paypal-Express: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts in some situations. Subusers: fix login generation (random string was generated always) Stripe: properly handle zero-decimal currencies e.g. JPY Rework vat validation, allow_url_fopen can be disabled in most configurations Date filter in logs sections was broken Payflow plugin: no CC info errors on rebill Shopping cart: do not allow to add disabled products to shopping cart Authorize.NET CIM plugin: fixed incorrect display reuse behavior. Mail: properly deal with header body in multibyte enconding (utf-8) GA Plugin: Error on checkout through shopping cart in some configuration Problem in unsubscribe link without newsletter module Affiliate Module: use default redirect link if banner is disabled Shopping Cart: auto choose payment options if there is only one available options Products select has wrong width at aMember CP -> Browse Users -> Advanced Search in some situations. Admin UI: display correct currency in product options (instead of $), Storage of PDF files fixed Subusers invite: do not send invitation to self email address.
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The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.4.3. You can see changelog below.
Fixed bug: Product options can be erased in some circumstance Avoid warnings in PHP 7.2 Speed up AdminDashboard page load HTML Brick: ability to use %user.*% placeholders within brick content Display user's status in user_info line in admin interface Shopping Cart: product images - ability to configure resizing method, fill color and set default images Improved cc-demo plugin: ability to configure test cc# Fixed bug: Wrong number of "Count of products purchase report" ***Import Users from CSV Ability to skip expire date (calculate based on begin date and product settings) Ability to specify same comment for all users imported from CSV ***Infusion-soft fault tolerant behaviour send zero autoresponder on access adding fixed bug: access wasn't added properly on rebuild ***Plugins Aff-leads plugin: Fixed bug: Wrong fields select type in plugin settings. Unable to select more then one field. Default product plugin: disable for subusers JVShare - mcrypt to openssl Xenforo - updated to support 2.0
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