
aMember PRO 5.4.2 released

Date: 2/7/2018

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.4.2. You can see changelog below.

Ability to customize billing plan during add invoice from admin interface (easy ability to set any price without changes in product settings)
HTML From Brick: Sidebar Postion - ability to add sidebar to signup form from admin interface with any html (useful to add testimonials/benifits etc)
User Groups Brick: ability for user to manage subset of user groups on his own
Agreement Brick: ability toi attach agreement state to invoice instead of user
Easy ability to add hyperlink to Product Title in Active Subscriptions widget
Enable MagicSelect for Frontend
Hightlight configs tabs for just enabled plugins/modules
Display PHP Info only to superadmin, it can have sensetive data in environment variables
Handle required checkboxes product options with single option
Helpdesk: ability to use seprate email from address for notificaton from helpdesk
JV: use total before tax to calculate partner share
***Bug Fixed
    Sort of Product Billing Plan
    Numeric validation did not work
    Invoice log - search by incremental id fixed
    Show only public payment systems on shopping cart by default
    Fatal error in php 7.2 on upgrade
    Cast DATETIME columns as DATE for conditions with dates
    OTO plugin bug fixed
***Payment Plugins
    New Plugin: Cardinity payment plugin
    New Plugin: FirstAtlanticCommerce payment plugin
    Clickbank: replace mcrypt with openssl (mcrypt is removed from PHP 7.2) fixed bug: payment record was created on CC update
    CCBill: do no pass formName in URL for flexforms - caused errors
    Yandex: fixed bug - column 'receipt_id' cannot be null
***New Plugin
    Schedule Billing Terms Change - Ability to schedule modification of billing plan terms at given date time
    Google Sign In Plugin

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.4.1 released

Date: 1/17/2018

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.4.1. You can see changelog below.

Invoice Summary: do not touch DOM if nothing changed (get rid of unnecessary blink effect)
Coupon Brick: Do not add default coupon if it is not valid (start/end dates, usage limit etc.)
Separate refunds and chargeback in PaymentsVSRefunds report
Ability to download saved reports as CSV
Ability to generate batch of coupons with specific prefix
Do not use characters [QIO01] in coupon code generation to avoid any possible confusion
mail: add -f paramater for sendmail
Show qty for items (if more then one) on user side
Add member directories to menu editor
Shoping Cart: option 'If product is not available because of require/disallow settings'
pending-invoice-clear: option Only trigger Paid Products
REST API: check-access/send-pass
Bug Fixed: bind of anonymous file upload
Bug Fixed: grids - getFoundRows can return incorrect results in some circumstances
Bug Fixed: invisible underscore in input (Firefox)
Bug Fixed: error if access record is 'special'
Bug Fixed: absorb tax mode with qty more then 1
Bug Fixed: country wasn't saved in invoice when location validation was disabled
Bug Fixed: facebook plugin had duplicated ID's if signup for different accounts from the same device
Bug Fixed: product-required-fields - case of multiple product bricks on same form
Bug Fixed: resend action from mail queue send incorrect email in some circumenstens
Bug Fixed: Unsubscribe - fixed handle of "Do not Show Unsubscribe Block on Member Page"
Bug Fixed: mass approval issue
Bug Fixed: interaction issue between ui modal and select2 search
⨯ -> ✕ (compatibility with mobile devices)
PayPal: we can get such txn_type (recurring_payment_profile_cancel) for initial attempt to create profile (case of PROFILESTATUS=PendingProfile), in this case on next attempt we can get correct recurring profile in PayPal and cancelled invoice in aMember
Stripe: compatibility with moblile device - remove auto click becouse on mobile overlay is ugly and stripe try to open new window (this action require user click event)
Ecorepay payment plugin fixed
Wirecard plugin: changing endpoints.
G2A fixed to work with address fields (required for selling physical goods)
ccBill plugin: set address info from ccBill if empty in amember
PayDotCom payment plugin added
Invision4: additional groups
Interspire: config option - Fields Mapping
Joomla plugin: Update last visit date on login
***BuyNow Buttons
    perform invoice validation
    utilize order-data to pass info to signup form
    ability to add coupon within button configuration
    Bug Fixed: buyNow button configuration, array_merge does not preserve numeric keys
    simplify credits expiration configuration
***Resume Subscriptiption
    properly handle case of tax in absorb mode
    maintain original discount
    ability to export Leads
    optional feature to display customer emails to affiliate
***Self Service:
    ability to edit credits type title from module config
    split types of products, ability to sort

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.4.0 released

Date: 12/11/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.4.0. You can see changelog below.

New-rewrite cookie should expire at the end of the session
Unsubscribe - fixed bug if newsletter module is enabled and block is removed from custom php
Do not allow to use sendpass form for locked users
Bug Fixed: Am_Lite session id can have comma (session.hash_bits_per_character/session.hash_bits_per_character = 6)
Enable vatid brick for subclass of Am_Invoice_Tax_Vat2015
Bug fixed - password confirmation did not work at signup form in some circumstance
Do not use Start Date Calculation for upgrade invoice
Grids: do not init filter before run (ability to change filter from plugins)
Closes #1778 - Non-Editable Backend Data for Invoice/Refund PDF's
Correct discount field for case of Product Price include VAT
Add Germany date format (with dots) as available format option
Properly handle case of signup without products with manual approve option enabled
Invoice Summary Brick: option to display subscription terms
Name Brick: ability to switch order of First and Last name
Bug Fixed: access condition Any Product works incorrectly in some circumstances
Bug Fixed: default option did not work for radio buttons
Ability to limit usage of coupon by specific billing plans
***Admin Interface
    User Menu Editor (Drag & Drop interface to manage user menu)
    BuyNow buttons Implementation
    Ability to resend Email Confirmation Link
    New User search creteria - Refund Amount
    Visual feedback on report save action
    Respect sort order for newletter lists within admin interface
    Display progress for table repairing
    CKeditor: fix placeholder plugin
    Log payout actions: PAID, NOT PAID, DELETED
***Shopping Cart:
    Ability to bulk resize images for all products if admin change preview sizes
    Take into account product scope when retrieve category list
    Ability to configure no widgets in shopping cart and hide cart sidebar in this case
***Payment Plugins
    New Plugin: Jvshare payment
    New Plugin:
    New Plugin: additional-stripe-sources - Ability to use Stripe Source api to accept Alipay, Bancontact, Giropay, iDEAL and P24 payments  through your stripe account.
    New PLugin: Yandex Payment
    New Plugin: FHTPay
    New Plugin: Doku
    New Plugin: Amazon Pay
    Authorize-Cim: change Hosted CIM forms (End of Life - March 30, 2018) to Accept Customer forms
    Thrive-cart: handle refunds notifications
    Epoch: properly handle denied payments
    Stripe, Authorize-cim: do not display update CC info link if user has not active recurring subscription
    Stripe: optional ability to accept Bitcoin on Hosted Form
    ClickBank: support for Encrypt Transaction URLs option
    ClickBank: handle new format of thank you page
    ClickBank: update clickbank statement on thanks page
    Eway-rapid3: fix for case of multiple items in same invoice
    Worldpay: use absolute url for redirect
    Flexpay: Fixed bug: plugin unable to handle IPN message: "Column 'receipt_id' cannot be null"
    Epay: fix refund feature
    Avangate: Fixed bug: plugin didn't use purchase quantity with auto create enabled
***Soft Sale
    Fix filter for binds
    Ability to filter licenses by expiration date
    Ability to export list of licenses to CSV file
    Improve license preview in admin interface
    Infusion Soft Plugin: Rebuild DB fixed
    Self-Service: use grid if products are more then for one page
    Linkedin Login plugin
    Login Reminder plugin: added ability to insert %product_title% placeholder to login reminder templates
    Login reminder plugin: Ability to configure more then one reminder depends on purchased product
    Invite Plugin: More integration with aff module
    Invite Plugin: New option added 'Make invited user Affiliate'
    Zendesk: name field is required (sunmit login if name is empty)
    Invision 4: single login fixed for 4.2
    Facebook: improve readme
    New Plugin: Insightly CRM

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.3.2 released

Date: 10/4/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.3.2. You can see changelog below.

Send expiration email to admin event if user usubscribed
Coupon Brick: add option Default Coupon
New-rewrite: portable protection code
ID, NL, DA payment terms translation added
Treat invalid date format as empty input (get rid of exception)
Am_Mail_Template: ability to add CC address
Add Pagination to Resource Category Pages
Include ckeditor with full destribution
Mass Subscribe Action: add validation to form to prevent Database Error (required fields is not populated)
Get admin confirmation to archive / restore products
Ability to use email as username for admins
Ability to search by entity ID at Protect Content section
Moved files from cc module to core
Include email to user log even if message has multiple recipients
New setting 'Apply Tax To Shipping Price' for regional tax
Rearrange helpdesk admin grid fields
Am_Lite query() rewritten
Bug Fixed: clear all "having" to run totals sql
Bug Fixed: DB error when search by Product within invoice list (Backend)
Bug Fixed: category element - visual glitch once new entity added
Bug Fixed: call 'cancelInvoice' for upgrades for cc plugins (invoices were marked as canceled at Amember only)
Bug Fixed: access check by user groups
Bug Fixed: unsubscribing by email links
Bug Fixed: Am_Lite is unable to authenticate user from remember me cookies
Bug Fixed: htpasswd passwords didn't work
Bug Fixed: unsubscribe block
***Shopping Cart
    properly handle required product options
    return links to user's resources in check-acess calls
    method normalization
    add urls of endpoints to API key configuration
    New Commission Conditions: Product Billing Plan/Not Product Billing Plan
***Payment Plugins
    ccBill: Ability to use the same flexform for all products
    PayPal: added support for PDT. Useful in situations when paypal used in front of amember
    PayPal Express: fix first rebilling datetime
    PayPal Express: JSv4 Checkout implemented
    Bluesnap: Updated IP of IPN servers used for verification
    Gocardless PRO: Several fixes to plugin
    New Payment Plugin for
    Fastspring: support for popup storefronts added
    Bitpay: library updated
    JVZoo: fix thanks action
    Payfast: fixed check source CIM: fixed showing of error for acceptjs
    Paddle plugin
    Payeezy: bug fixed - plugin incorrect parameters passed to js create token api
***Integration Plugins
    Wordpress: handle meta_title
    MyBB plugin: set correct default options for new users created in myBB
    Infusion CRM plugin reworked
    Invision4: plugin was updated to work with Invision 4.2
    Invision4: Single login fixed to Invision 4.2
    Invision4: allow to select display name
***Newsletter Plugins
    ConstantContact2 newsletter plugin added - uses API v2
    New Newsletter Plugin: Mailpoet
***Misc Plugins
    Pdf-stamping: add ability to rotate stamp
    File-upload: properly handle upload in single mode
    SoftSale: show link to downloads page if no license is assigned
    rewrite workoutExpires to avoid full table lock, it is important on huge database

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.3.1 released

Date: 8/11/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.3.1. You can see changelog below.

IMPORTANT: fixed potential security problem in Am_Lite
REST API fixes
CkEditor updated
JvZoo fixed
Bug Fixed: DB error when search by Product within invoice list

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.3.0 released

Date: 7/31/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.3.0. You can see changelog below.

Implemented automatic translation of billing terms: en, fr, it, de and ru
Ability to translate paysystems title/description at the plugin setup
Added ability to set product categories from manage products grid
Product Brick: ability to remove product Even if require/disallow Condition can meet in Current Purchase
Fixed bug: Logout didn't work if user was authenticated through remember login cookies.
Fixed bug: Redirect After logout URL  setting was ignored sometimes.
Fixed bug: Exception logged by Invoice Summary brick with enabled Maxmind location validation.
More reliable way to validate EU VAT ID
Bug Fixed: ajax validation of coupon within upgrade/downgrade form
    show history even if user doesn't have enough credits.
    improve layout of product card, utilize product image from shopping cart module if exists
    add Widget with Subusers Package
    ability to attach multiple subusers products to parent product
***Shopping Cart:
    Sort categories in dropdown by title too.
    Allow html in category description.
Directory - ability to opt out from directory
BlockPendingInvoice: ability to choose Disregard Behavior {hide,delete}
Sendgrid-Webhooks: unsubscribe only hard bounce
Google-analytics: added option to do not track sale if it contains some products
PDF invoice: fix line height calculation
File Upload: New setting in form brick configuration: Allow to upload single file only
***Payment Plugins
    Improved configuration page for paypal plugin
    New plugin:  Mobiuspay
    New Payment plugin: Fastspring Contextual. Support for new Fastspring Contextual Commerce platform.
    Fixed bug: Paypal Express Checkout plugin didn't handle second_period = lifetime expiration date for recurring subscription properly
    Bluesnap: Added BuyNow Hosted Payment Page support
    Stripe - update cc info link fixed

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!