The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.1. You can see changelog below.
Fix compatibility with PHP 5.3 Add positions for html blocks to payment history page Ability to use multiple video on same page in async mode Ability to enable persist DB connection from config Allow to resume failed subscriptions API: add Am_Event::PAGE_BEFORE_RENDER - Called before render protected page Aff: ability to download transaction details to CSV if config option allow it Bug Fixed: respect sort order in i18n interface when filter applied Bug Fixed: properly check isLoaded for the tables with literal keys Bug Fixed: ajax action for setup forms Bug Fixed: option-editor does not respect sort order in some circumestance Implements #1865 - Import User, log skipped lines Two Level of Admin Notification: Error and Notice Properly handle case when two license keys in config (one expired and another one valid) Show Mail Queue Status in Admin UI Set maximum priority for test email message from admin interface to get it send when queue is full Improve Filter in Mail Queue - add bility to filter by status New Report: Count of Pending Invoices Add Filter to section Blocking IP/E-Mail (Backend) Newsletter: unsubscribe user from subscription on deletion Softsale Module: Fixed bug: aMember CP -> Licenses list is too slow. Affiliate: Ability to export affiliate stat to file for affiliates ***Payment Plugins Molllie Payment Plugin PayPal - handle recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment, properly add chargebacks Authorize CIM - properly handle duplicate payment profile Verotel Flexpay - recurring payments were not added properly ***Integration Plugins Stockboxphoto integration plugin Drupal - resolve class name conflict with WP (if option to use WP theme is enabled) Phpbb - resolve class name conflict with WP SMF - fixed bug with additional groups Vanilla - fix permissions, relay on vanilla to calculate proper permission Joomla - set cookie with wildcard to support single login between subdomains ***Directory decouple index_fields and seacrh_fields ability to search by country in foreign language properly handle group condition ***Misc Plugins User Notification - allow to leave alerts for user profile Stopforumspam ( Intercom - replace APi Key with Personal Access Token Widget Plugin - Add Not Condition (Ability to hide Widget based on user active/expired subscriptions)
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.0. You can see changelog below.
Improve compatibility with PHP 7.1 Replace mcrypt-based encryption to openssl-based Decouple URL build Ability to add Captcha to Login Page (configuration option) Move Currency from Product to Billing Plan New custom field type - Single checkbox Ability to upload files to upload custom user fields in Admin UI Brick Referred By - Add option to display either username or name or email Video - Ability to upload Closed Captions alognside with video file Video - Ability to add watermark with logo (setup option) PDF Invoice - more granular control (ability to download from account|attach to email recipt to user|attach to email receipt to admin) Amazon S3 - Add new region (US East 2) Amazon S3 - Force file download (Content-Disposition: attachment) Ability to translate custom labels for Form Editor within UI Invoice auto create - Ability to specify product quantity Bug Fixed: Item compatibility work incorrectly in some circumstance Bug Fixed: Some directory is missed in dir browser - directory name can cast to bool false so we need to do strong type comparation Bug Fixed: Authenticate user by import third-party password functionality didn't work when passowrd hashing method doesn't require salt ***Admin UI Revenue Goal Widget - green when the goal is on target and red if its falling behind target Ability to sort billing plans within product form Coupon batch grid - show coupon code in grid if there is only one coupon in batch Easy ability to generate 1 coupon with explicit code DateTime form element - allow to specify time of manually payment explicitly File Browser - add preview for image files Add warning before Invoice Rebuild ***New Reports Affiliate Payout Amount by User - useful to prepare 1099 Payments by Used Coupon Refunds by Used Coupon ***Shopping Cart Improve quantity select box in shopping cart Ability to quickly choose quantity if product allow it Ability to use product options Ability to choose sort order for products in admin interface Respect Assign Paysystem to Product option in Shopping Cart Ability to rearrange widgets from admin interface Add two types of layout for basket (Detailed and Short) Ability to use custom CTA image for generated add to cart button Highlight payment system on checkout ***Payment Plugins New Payment plugin - Razorpay (India) Clickbank - fixed free trials MIGS - change hash from md5 to sha256 Paypal-express - recognize error for cancel request if profile already canceled Authorize SIM - shows cancel page if payment was not successful Psigate Account Manager - ability to refund payments SmartDebit (and other e-check plugins) - fixed rebilling errors (empty echeckRecord causes PHP errors) Uniteller - bug fixed (follow specification to parse CSV) Uniteller - cancel link fixed ***New Newsletter Plugin MailerLite ***Misc Plugins Gift Card - allows to buy gift cards and send it to either existing user or new one by email Billing Plan Country - allow to offer different billing plans to diffrent coutries Dime Sale - add brick with next price level and remaining sales/time. ***Integration Plugins Phpbb3 - added support of 3.1.6 (password_hash)
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.1.8. You can see changelog below.
Combine periods: take first period from most expensive item instead of last one - it make more sense New Valildation Methods for Custom Fields: List of E-Mail Address, URL, IP Address Newsletters - fixed additional fields for content records Mass Action: Unsubscribe from All Emails Form Editor: Conditional logic for additional fields Invoice Summary Brick: properly handle case of donation Bug Fixed: report NewVsExisting Helpdesk: config option to allow admin edit his own messages (within 5 minutes after post) Product Required Fields Plugin - allow you to require some fields on signup form based on choosen product in case of user did not fill in it yet Am_Lite: add shortcut for getInstance ie.: Am_Lite::i()->isLoggedtIn() Additional User Fields - ability to define validation settings on per form base Implemented correct way to handle "no access url" for protected folders. Add Download event to timeline Recent Activity Admin Widget Implements #1847 - Dropdown menu search option in reports area Folder Protection: ability to enbale Directory Listings for folder from admin interface Bug Fixed: ability to set Form as default even if it is listed on second or subsequent page in grid (case of huge number of signup forms) Increase period of validity for links to reset password and email confirmation login reminder: ability to send notification only to users with active subscriptipn to specified products Invoice Summary Brick: take into account new country from signup form for logged in user to calcualte TAX send Admin Free Subscription Notifications for free trial as well Implements #1844 - add idn modifier for Am_SimpleTemplate Ability to add links and pages to user menu REST API: check-access - always execute checkUser Webhooks: include passhash to user related events Closes #1843 - auto add wildcard for NOT LIKE in advanced search Webhooks: ability to remove particular events from queue/log InvoiceSummary Brick: take into account TAX ID Bug Fixed: configuration of schedule tax changes Alternative theme added - "Solid Color", works best for integration into existing design REST API: add list of active categories with expiration dates to response of check-access controller Implements #1839 - New Advanced Filter: Not Subscribed to Newsletter Lists Bug Fixed: Shopping Cart embed code does not work in case of jQuery is not loaded on page yet Enable fallback paysystems for all plugins that supports cancel page. ***Misc Plugins shipping-flat plugin - ability to add fixed shiping fee to invoice in case of it has at least one tangible item New Plugin: Product Password - this plugin allow you to hide some products on signup page unless user provided valid product code during sign up Conversion-track - fixed to respect multylines code between %foreach_product% and %endforeach_product% EU VAT: New setting: "Add VAT to all B2B payments" - add VAT to transaction even if customer has business in another EU country. Bug Fixed: WP - update links in session in case of user changed language (respect i18n) Gift Voucher: bug fixed - donee can choose any billing plan for product if product has multiple billing plans New Plugin - Widget: allow to add custom html widgets to user dashboard based on his active subscriptions ***Integration Plugins Wordpress Plugin: Added UltimateMember groups support css: improve compatibility with WP themes New Newsletter Plugin: SharpSpring Activecampaign plugin fixed ***Payment Plugins Braintree PHP SDK updated to latest version Payment Plugin: FlexPay (Verotel) New payment plugin: Alipay Payza plugin: added support of refunds and cancellations. New Payment Plugin: SnappyCheckout CCNow plugin: recurring billing support. New Plugin: PSiGate Account Manager(recurring billing support through Account Manager) SecurepayAU payment plugin updated Bug Fixed: subusers module - titles for group option was empty Fixed bug: Error in Bitpay IPN script Fixed Bug: Ewayrapid3 payments were not activated in some situations. Brantree plugin: Added ability to use hosted fields API. (PCI SAQ A compliant solution) Braintree lib was updated to latest version.
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.1.7. You can see changelog below.
Removed old VAT tax plugin, if you did not switch to new one (VAT2015) yet then it is good time to do it now Add Filter to "Sign Up Forms" grid Group additional fields to collapseable fieldset in user profile in admin interface Convert product specific VAT to VAT groups to simplify maintenance EU VAT: ability to schedule tax rates CSS: improve compatibility with wp themes Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: Protection didn't work right if start date was set in post/page protection settings Rest API module: Added ability to query product <-> category relations Rest API module: Added ability to access product categories through rest. Improve filter in logs: add ability to search by date range (Backend) Closes #1835 - does not require to change password if logged in as admin EPDQ - supported currencies added Bug Fixed: live edit did not update field value Closes #1836 - sort log entity by primary key instead of date/time to avoid reverse order in case of event occur exactly in same time (up to seconds) Subusers Plugin: Translate product options in selects. Bug Fixed: product options lead to exponential explosion of DOM elements Amazon S3: respect folder hierarchy in storage browser Directory Browser: add quick filter New plugin for Drupal8 Storage Grid: Add Filter Helpdesk: Ability to limit access to issue categories by active user subscriptions webhooks add SUBSCRIPTION_ADDED and SUBSCRIPTION_DELETED bundle-discount plugin bug fixed Bug Fixed #1834: Softsale $scheme not available in email template Facebook plugin: Fixed bug: "Add free access to a product" new access was added more then once. Now it will be added only when user is associated with facebook profile for first time. New Payment Plugin: GoUrl ( | Accept Bitcoins Video protection - use _amember_redirect_url for login link Bug fixed - mass actions (lock, approve) did not work if select ALL records on users list New User Filter: Has invoice started between dates
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.1.6. You can see changelog below.
Display searchable select for products in amember CP -> Edit User -> Payments -> Add invoice. Italian Translation updated, thanks to Tiziano Valentinuzzi Implements #1831: Export Presets ReCaptcha: ability to choose size of widget in configuration, I18N Support Ability to capture both First and Last name in single input Bug Fixed: saved search select should trigger submit event on form, we especially need it for Email Users page, otherwise we lost current data (subject, messages etc.) Implement #1822 - show number of tickets that require attention in admin menu New Plugin: Upgrade Brick Thanks-redirect: add %product.*% placholder Ability to filter by tablename in admin log Bug Fixed: We need to check ban table while username generation (eg. -> admin) New Plugin: Reseller Signup Form Bug Fixed: Product Options - correctly culculate surcharge for multi-select (checkboxes) Payflow - backend refunds fixed Directory: use option titles for search alongside with option keys Properly display negative options in payment history. Bug Fixed: set %invoice_text% placholder for invoice_pay_link template ***Shopping Cart Simplified design of basket (to make it mobile friendly). Simplified checkout process. Fixed bug: User wasn't redirected back to checkout page after registration. ***Misc Plugins Notification: ability to edit notification with WYSIWYG editor (UI) Dime Sale: ability to increment price by hour Dime Sale: ability to increment second price as well (recurring products) File-upload: ability to set up different email notificatioin based on file category File Upload: ability to upload file on user behalf from admin interface File-upload: ability to change/set categery for already uploaded files SubUsers: handle case of access with future start date Bug Fixed: login-via-ip plugin JV: take into account item quantity for absolute partner share OTO: add CSS class and Id attributes to %yes% and %no% buttons ***Affiliate Program Allows to recalculate missed commissions for each payment Added CSRF token for change payout method form ***SoftSale Softsale - "Allow customers to disable activations" option added Softsale - hide expired licenses and disabled activations options added SoftSale - admin permissions fixed SoftSale: ability to use nested arrays in payload for curl transport ***Integration Plugins Invision4 - fixed bug with passwords '*0' + allows to upgrade from invision3 without loosing of SSO ShareASale plugin: added recurring commissions support through API. Fixed bug - wrong calculation of groups for protect plugins Amazon SES - bcc fixed ConstantContact - fixed to add users into more then one list SMF - sso fixed for v1 Rocketresponder newsletter plugin added ClickSuit integration Integration with CouchingCloud getResponse360 support ActiveCampaign integration basing on product configuration. The subscription/unsubscription rules are defined in product itself (moved from activecampaign-addon) ***Payment Plugins Rocketgate plugin reworked. Added recurring support. ccBill - FlexForms support added PayFlow PRO plugin: refunds were not properly assigned to payments. New Plugin: Mollie (with recurring support) Authorize.Net CIM accept.js - ability to capture billing zip ThriveCart payment plugin added Enabled fallback paysystems support in Authorize.NET CIM Hosted version 1SC plugin: added support of AUD invoices. NMI Hosted -> Beta NMI Hosted using Direct POST API for recurring. Update CC info included in the plugin. TinyPass plugin becomes beta. PaypalPlus plugin becomes beta. Configuration of BitPay simplified New Payment Plugin: SlimPay ( RealexPayments fixed
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.1.5. You can see changelog below.
Admin interface: switch 'mailto' with 'Users -> E-Mail Users link' in users list Signup form Name Brick can be configured as not-required EmailUsers - better preview for html message Fallback payment system: allow to define list of paysystems depends on paysystem from failed invoice Aff: ability to disallow redirect to 3rd party urls for affiliate links with custom redirect Bug Fixed: show input for qty in case of only one product on form Product options: properly show negative surcharge Added "Skip First Line" setting to subusers import form. Admin Log: log Update Configuration action Add info about product options to %invoice_text% and %invoice_html% email variables Am_Lite: fix restore auth session from cookie Fixed bug: Scheduled Recurring Revenue widget displayed wrong amount. Added password confirmation of profile email change Bruteforce protection for current password on profile form Browse Users -> Advanced Search: Allow to search for zero "Spent Amount" Sort by user extra data columns Bug fixed - manual invoice + payment - respect date of payment for rebill date calculation Add ability to export password hash, it can be useful to export/import users between different aMember installations aMember CP -> Protect Content -> All allow to filter by product. Implements #1764 - New Import Option: Update User if Exist User with Same Login (Do Not Overwrite Existing Password) Implements #1763 - abilitry to submit VatID with spaces, remove it silently Show customer info in CC Rebill details report. Newsletters - do not try to use disabled plugins Fixed bug: Webhook cron didn't work when wrong url was specified in webhook configuration Fixed bug: "Force SSL" option wasn't available if aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Index page was set to Login page. Fixed bug: Internal server error on login if aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Allow to Use Password Hash from 3rd party scripts to authenticate User in aMember and third-party plugin was disabled in the past ***Cart Fixed login redirect Added ability to remove items from basket preview ***Wordpress Do not list archived products Added Course Press support. Welcome translation Dashboard link was added to login widget. Ability to set start access delay by number of payments Respect remember_auto for Wp auth cookies ***Directory plugin Members Directory: add default sort Members Directory: add 2nd street address field Ability to add upload additional fields to directory In event of not logged in user access directory show login page instead of no access error Check external login when user access directory. Search by Country/State title ***Misc Plugins Login Monitor plugin: Limit notifications for specified user groups only. Campaign monitor: Ignore 400 errors on unsubscribes. Errors generated when user account is suspended. File upload: add brick with list of uploaded files New Plugin: SendgridWebhooks - unsubscribe users in aMember upon bounce notification New Plugin: Automatic Currency Exchange Rates Update ( Textlocal sms service Plugin for Mailchimp - disable double optin option added, fixed usage of PUT method Mailchimp - fixed for case if customer is already in list Payment-link: ability to set expiration date for payment link drop-me: move widget for this plugin to bottom of page AdobeConnect plugin: password wasn't properly updated in AdobeConnect. Downloads module: Added confirmation screen before file download. SoftSale: ability to look up licenses by bindings ***Integration Plugins New Plugin: PayPal Identity - allow to login/signup via PayPal account SMF 1 - fixed single login Joomla 3 - fixed single login Freshdesk integration plugin Integration with Pancake invoices system ***Payment Plugins New plugin: Paypal plus Coinsnap payment plugin added Implements #1761: Stripe - option to enable Zip validation and logo url (Hosted Version) 2checkout: do not record last payment within recurring plan twice Offline payment plugin - fixed to work with recurring products Authorize.NET CIM plugin: AcceptJS support implemented. With Accept JS library, CC info will be submitted to Authorize.NET server directly(even with disabled hosted setting) Paddle.js payment plugin Bitpay ported to new API, recurring payments support added PayzeeJS plugin added jvzoo: ability to set multiple JVZoo product number for same product in aMember (comma separated) Plugins: aff-points/nmi-hosted/pancake/user-report/send-mail-on-invoice networmerchants-hosted moved to addons Braintree: void payment instead of refund in case it is not setteled yet NMI - enable hosted version (three step commit) Myshortcart redisign for support different types of paysystems epay, rocketgate, cmsbuilder, mailwizz plugins New payment plugin gumroad Mailchimp resubscribe plugin Fixed bug: Duplicate billing with paypal-pro plugin in some situations. Implements #1615 - PayPal repeat on failure causes duplicate subscriptions TinyPass payment plugin
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!