
aMember PRO 5.2.6 released

Date: 7/3/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.6. You can see changelog below.

Added current date and time to list of available placeholders
User Agreement: option to show agreement in popup
Use 500 status for response in event of Am_Exception_InternalError
Login Page: ability to set meta data (Title/Keywords/Description) from admin interface
Store remote_addr to invoice record
Ability to set start date of acecss to 1st of current Month or Last of current Month
Ability to disable signup form (handy in case you want to leave form but do not allow its usage)
Include JS library from CDN (speed up page loads)
Update ckeditor to latets version
Log access to content
i18n: decouple Front End and Back End locales, inherit region language variation from mian language ie.: root -> fr -> fr_CA, improve translation UX
Flowplayer: add controlsList=nodownload in event of html5 video
Name Brick: change config option 'Read Only' -> 'Disallow Name Change'
Add country and state modifiers to simple template (resolve id to title)
Add block position member/upgrade: easy ability to add some text to upgrade popup window
throw error in case of attempt to delete user with active recurring subscriptions - it is necessary to cancel all subscriptionbefore delete user
Password strength indicator
Active Subscriptions Block - add divider between cancel and upgrade link
Infusion-soft - add access with correct expire date, remove access only if it was added by plugin
Bug Fixed: upgrade in case of tax with absorb mode
Bug Fixed: htpasswd plugin add user to htgroup file incorrectly (incorrect order of needle and hystack in strpos)
***Admin UI
    Ability to see the body of previously sent emails in the email history
    Handy ability to change order of resources across multiple pages
    Ability to filter resources by category
    Widgets: do not touch HTML DOM if not necessary
    Add user tooltips to dashboard widgets
    Add content categories to menu
    Folder Protection: does not allow to protect folder with aMember
    Ability to Repair Database Tables from Admin Interface
    Use tabs for billing plan edit
    Ability to export invoice comment alongside with other fields
    Improve Customize Dashboard UX
    Ability to enable all permissions for admin record with one click
    Protection agains lock himself from admin interface - force admin to solve reCaptcha before enable it (case with incoprrect either public or secret key for reCAPTCHA)
    New Report: Affiliate Commission Amount by User
    Product Conversion Report: display result in percents
***Solid Color Theme
    Ability to choose links color from admin interface
    Make Solid Color theme compatible with Wpengine (handle .css by nginx)
***Self Service Module
    Ability to sort products within admin UI
    Ability to filter products by categgory (?c=ID)
    Check product requirements for storefront
    Bug fixed for free trial
    Take into account all products from cart when check product requirements (not only current scope)
    More reliable way to detect root url
    Increase quality of resized product images
    Preview of images attachments
    Option to allow users to re open closed tickets
    Fix rebuild - we can not rely on subusers to rebuild parent user (parent can have not subusers yet)
    Set actual expiration date from parent account instead of lifetime, in case of parent multiple packages with same product then set maximum from available
    Optionally Hide Active Subscriptions Widget for Subuser
    Improve error message for subusers who can not pay by himself according module configuration
    Option to soft delete (detach subuser account instead of completely delete it)
    Ability to detach subusers from paretnt account (admin interface)
    Does not allow admin to set SubUsers Product to Porduct itself (avoid recursion)
    Add option 'Show ajax version of widget' to text widget
    Decouple Am_Text widget from WP_Text (it is important to fix issue with WP 4.8)
    Take into account qty in case of absolute commisssion
    Fix commission test (take into account setting Calculate Affiliate Commissions from Totals Including Tax)
    Fixed commission amount for keywords report
    Fixed tracking of keywords in some cases
    Unsubscribe user on event UserBeforeDelete (some plugins ie. mailchimp can try to load recods duiring unsubscribe)
    Klaviyo Newsletter Plugin (
    Hubspot newsletter plugin added
    Ability to use placeholders within URL
***Payment Plugins
    New Plugin: Touchnet ePay
    New Plugin: Internet Mathematics Assessment System (
    New Plugin: G2A Pay
    New Plugin:
    Braintree plugin: Added Drop-In UI support
    Tinypass fixed - removed code to delete invoice
    Fixed bug: Authorize.NET CIM sometimes user have to submit CC info twice.
    authorize-cim: fix for items without ids (not products)
    Bug Fixed: Fastspring plugin duplicate quantity on Auto Invoice create.
    FastSpring - use more info from IPN to create user
    PayPro: correctly handle IPN for partial refunds
    GoCardless PRO plugin updated to work with latest API. Contributed by Rob Woodgate, Cogmentis Ltd
    Stripe plugin: NZD currency support was added.
***Other Plugins
    OTO Plugin: option to Skip Offer in case of user already have access to this product
    Default Product Plugin: add scope option
    Avatar Plugin: ability to retrieve avatar by user login
    Pending Invoice Clear Plugin: ability to choose trigger {New Invoice Completed,New Pending Invoice Added}
    Sales Notification Plugin: add postion config option
    Sales Notification Plugin: ability to choose animation type - slide/fade
    Shipping Flat Plugin: optionally add flat cost for each tangible item within invoice
    File Upload Plugin: ability to make some categories public
    New Plugin: Email Snippet - speed up everyday mail routine
    New Plugin: Clickfunnels integration

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.2.5 released

Date: 5/23/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.5. You can see changelog below.

findBy bugs fixed
ability to pass operator to findBy explicitly
compatibility with PHP 5
selfservice: bug fixed for free trial
cart - new way to redirect from signupcontroller

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.2.4 released

Date: 4/25/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.4. You can see changelog below.

Bugfix release for 5.2.x branch
Solid Color Theme: add color presets to theme configuration page, ability to choose font size and family within theme configuration
New plugin: Sales Notification. Allow to display pop-up notifications about new sales on the site
Payments history page - allows upgrade link for canceled invoices
Fixed bug: AuthorizeCIM plugin: Error while updating CC info in accept.js mode
Eliminate usage of __autoload function, it is deprecated
Add CSS for Facebook buttons on login and signup pages
Load VAT ID brick only if EU VAT Tax enabled, otherwise we can get unexpected error on signup form
Bug Fixed: form bricks - fields in readonly mode should not have any validation rules, othewise it will be impossible to save form
Shipping Flat: Bug Fixed - ignore case in zip/postal code
Bug Fixed: No Access page did not use Layout
Aff: ability to choose multiple dates for payout
Add Pulau Pinang and Putra Jaya subdivisions to territories list
Update select2 to latest version
Bug Fixed: Redirect to proper profile form after log in (not always to default one)
REST API: add info about user groups to check-access response
Ability to use MEDIUMTEXT and MEDIUMBLOB field types for custom user fields
Bug Fixed: affiliate link should redirect to home page by default
New Integration Plugin: FB Inboxer (
Self-Service Module: Added ability to define credits expiration and rollover.
Rewrite Admin Translation interface to be compatible with suchosin (finish struggle with windmills)
Bug Fixed: Customize dashbord did not work if admin has many saved reports (not enough color in color queue) so we use it as circular array instead
Bug Fixed: Payment Link should be absolute within email template
Verotel - dynamic pricing for recurring
Fixed bug: "Free Access without log-in" protection method didn't work for pages. Access denied error was displayed
Fixed bug: Gift voucher receiver brick generate an error on signup page in 5.2.3
Fixed bug: Unable to switch between saved searches at amember CP -> Browse Users -> Advanced Search

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.2.3 released

Date: 4/10/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.3. You can see changelog below.

First Stable release in the 5.2.x branch
Fix problem with cart redirect after signup (appeared in 5.2.0)
Remove restriction for maximum length of admin password (it does not make any sense)
Fixed bug: Cart should be destroyed before user sent to payment system, and after user logout.
Blockchain plugin: added support of v2 API
Fixed Bug: Do not display archived products in SelfService setup
Exclude Shipping Fee from Affiliate Commission Calculation
Add info about used signup form to user profile (Signup Info)
PDF Stamp: ability to style stamp text (font/size/color/postion/align)
New Plugin: GoToTraining
New affiliate program model Last Click Wins:
Translate country title in pdf invoice.
Jvzoo: fix for multiple secret keys withion single plugin
Moodle - update groups as well
CCbill: do not handle EXPIRE notification from CCbill, aMember handle expiration on its own
New Plugin: Square Checkout.
Fixed bug: Incorrect data in Last Month dashboard widget at the end of some months.
Aff: give plugin ability to introduce new payout methods
New Plugin: Block disposable email domains.
schedule-emails module
Xenforo - re-POST data instead of redirect
Batch Unsubsribe Plugin
amazon SNS: we need to extract email address from FROM header before process it

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.2.2 released

Date: 3/28/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.2.2. You can see changelog below.

Security: fix possible XSS on Login Page
Highlight active menu item for protected pages
Fixed responsiveness for audio player
Closes #1870 - bug in content editing controller
Bug Fixed: E-Mail User mass action
shipping-flat: different rate based on customer delivery address
display email address on unsubscribe page
Agreement Brick: option to check checkbox by default
Added ability to change used configuration set from config.php This is useful when you need to use the same database for more than one amember copy.
***Admin Reports
    Admin widget: replace Scheduled Recurring Revenue with Monthly Recurring Revenue (that has more sense)
    Refund Rate
    Refunds by product or product category breakdown
    Count of Cancellations by date period
    Refunds by payment system breakdown
***Newsletter Plugins
    Fixed bug: Mailchimp plugin didn't properly unsubscribe user if he specify email with capital letters. Also removed direct curl usage from plugin code.
    New newsletter plugin: MailJet
    New Mail Sending Method: MailJet
    Mail Sending Method: SendGrid Web API v3
***Integration Plugins
    Fixed Bug: Test database settings button didn't work.
    WP: take into account WP_SITEURL if possible (will work if option to use wp theme is enabled/otherwise can define it in config.php)
***Payment Plugins
    Hide CC module in UI: enable/disable it automatically in background based on choosen payment plugins
    Fixed bug: Do not validate cardholders name when using Authorize.NET CIM accept.js Pass it to as is to validate it there
    Itransact plugin development version
    Clickbank Plugin: Cart support added(ability to select more then one product on signup page)
    ccbill: handle lifetime period for dynamic pricing
    Fixed stripe refund webhooks
    Fixed bug: Worldpay plugin: php error in ipn script.

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 5.1.9 released

Date: 3/28/2017

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 5.1.9. You can see changelog below.

Security fix: avoid possible XSS on login page

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!