
aMember PRO 4.7.2 released

Date: 12/10/2015

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.7.2. You can see changelog below.

IMPORTANT: Fixed compatibility with new Wordpress 4.4 as they broke compatibility with older aMember WP plugin
Fixed confirmation of changed e-mail address in user profile
... new big update is coming soon with new cool features, that is just a quick bugfix release

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.7.1 released

Date: 11/17/2015

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.7.1. You can see changelog below.

Bug Fixed: we should track empty submit for checkboxes in product brick on the signup form
Bug Fixed: Expiration email can be sent incorrectly in some situation: resolve collission when MAX_EXPIRE_DATE for one product can match EXPIRE date for access record for other products, see corresponding tests for collision explanation
Fixed bug: Automatic upgrades didn't work for php > 5.5.0
Aff keywords reworked to work with big database
Aff - fixed keywords report
Closes #1661  - Wordpress plugin: Fixed bug: Widgets protection settings not initialized once new widget added
Bug Fixed: email templates to multiple admins had not effect, it always send only to default one
Fixed bug: Email verification didn't work on profile form
Fixed bug: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Am_Grid_DataSource_CustomFields' in import3 controller
Fixed a problem with VAT invoice validation

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.7.0 released

Date: 9/9/2015

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.7.0. You can see changelog below.

reCAPTCHA updated to v.2
Churn rate report (users who became inactive in given period)
HTML brick: ability to put HTML above or below form (can be used to add progress bar to multi page form)
New option: Disable New Signups
Added ability to hide/show signup forms in member area menu
Reports: ability to compary reports with previouse period. Compare with same period in previouse year.
New Report: Rolling Conversion
New Report: Product Conversion - Number of Users who Purchase product B after Product A
Added "Active Users by period" report
Implements #523  - Ability to delete user from his profile (backend)
Implements #1439 - ability to sort users by expire date
Implements #1604 - upload and multi_upload user custom field types
Implements #1171 - ability to Assign Paysystem to Product
Implements #1491 - Layouts of Email Templates
Implements #1518 - New option for Name brick: Make the first letters of first and last name Uppercase
Implements #1631: Search Option - Search user based on payment method
Ability to define specific admin as Reply-To address for autoresponder
Display notification for admin in user profile if a user exceeded Account Sharing Prevention limits (backend)
Admin: keep a record who and when added access manually to user
Fixed bug: New rewrite cookies were not set for installations on localhost with port name (for example: localhost:8000)
Fixed bug: Cookies were not set right if aMember installed on IP address.
Ability to temporary disable auto-locking for user
API: new event MAIL_SIMPLE_INIT_FORM, pass Am_Mail to MAIL_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE_BEFORE_PARSE - it is necessary for common customizations
'Hide from Menu' option for profile forms
Allow  for reseller to set all fields allowed in Subusers  plugin configuration.
File-upload: ability to notify admin by email about new uploads
Ability to skip check of product requirements for invoices created from admin interface
Implements #1334 - Custom price when adding invoice/access manually from admin backend
HTML brick: ability to put HTML above or below form (can be used to add progress bar to multi page form)
Fixed bug: facebook plugin didn't  get user information from facebook properly.
Display notification for admin in user profile if he exceeded Account Sharing Prevention limits (backend)
Fixed preview action for product welcome emails
Closes #1571 - Unsubscribe should not be just a checkbox, give customer feedback that his subscription status is changed
Implements #431 - choose first available cache backend (apc, xcache, memcache, file), display info about used cache backernd on system info page
Implements #1507 - chose default selected product (Product Brick setting)
Implements #1343 - multiple products could be simultaneously moved from one part of the list to another (group action)
Closes #1405 - Fix Shopping Cart Product Count Based on Categories (incorrectly count disabled and archived products)
Implements #1597 - Ability to Reveal Password on Signup Form
Implements #1332 - Deleting secured files in batch from admin panel
Ability to create any number of profile forms (handy in case of set up has many user fields and admin want to split fields by categories eg. Account info/Personal Info/Address Info etc.)
Implements #1099: Add product categories to filters in Advanced Search
Implements #1399: Add products categories to Require Approval Only if Invoice has these Products (Invoice) menu
Implements #1639: Cancel Feedback Plugin: add page with overview of cancel notes
New Email Sending method: CampaignMonitor (Transactional API)
Subusers plugin: Allow to import subusers with custom fields.
Ability to inspect invoice data in admin interface, handy for debug
Softsale - fix for license renewal
SoftSale - allow to renew existing license instead of generation of new one
Implements #1630 - Make "Available Locales" sortable
Helpdesk: Add CSRF protection to new ticket form
EmailAutoresponders: ability to check future subscriptions too
EmailUsers - fix redirect loop for "continue" sending in cases when count of target users made different after first send
User Notes: dashboard widget with last notes
Fixed bug: Mail queue wasn't clean up if "Log outgoing email messages for ... days" setting is set to zero.
Implements #1629 - Make HTML brick translateable
Remove access record on refund (instead of expire it)
self-service: bug fixed - it was not possible to move product back to Available Products list in configuration
EU VAT: do not validate free invoices.
Display notification about processing upgrade for user in order to avoid double clicks on upgrade button.
Newsletter: fixed unsubscribe_after_signup
Ability to redirect to sendpass form added
Ccnow payment plugin added
Invite: Ability to display list of invited customer in user account
Currency: correct symbol for PHP (Philippine Peso)
Added - for user email templates - BCC; for admin templates - select admin recipients
Fixed bug: facebook plugin didn't  get user information from facebook properly.
Ability to export User Groups added
REMOTE API: Bug Fixed: FastCGI - aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header 'Content-Type'
Closes #1165: multiple selects values does not populated in custom signup forms
Grid: Ajax driven Expandable field: usefull in case of render of cell can require many resource eg. render Mail body in log
Worldpay plugin, redirect user to cancel url instead of displaying it inside worldpay frame.
***Affiliate Program
    Aff: new conditions for commission rules: By Affiliate Active Product, By Affiliate Active Product Category
    Closes #1476 - aff: if affiliate should be aproved after signup display some message instead of redirect to login screen (wher he can not login becouse of he is not approved yet)
    New commission rule condition - First Time Purchase of Product
    Show number of sales for affiliate in stats
    Affiliate Keywords statistics
    Do not allow to specify big period for affiliate cookie lifetime. It just may not work.
    Advanced User Search Filter: Has Affiliate Commission (Any|Paid|Not-Paid)
    New payout method - bitcoin
    Use affiliate signup form for existing users as well
    Separate email templates for affiliate approval
    Ability to automatically generate payout bi-weekly
    Ability to send protect content -> emails to affiliate
    afflevels: add Super Groups configuration option and remove group priority (it does not make any sense in this context)
    Aff Leads Plugin: Added lead status to the list of available fields
    Redmine v3 support.
    Fixed bug: facebook login button wasn't displayed in some wordpress themes.
    Fixed bug: Email wasn't changed in getresponse when user change email in aMember.
    Fixed bug: Joomla plugin didn't set information about user's groups in session.
    Shareasale-pixel - show tracking code only once
    Google-analytics: bug fixed: when someone bought a product with multiple quantities in analytics shows a wrong total price because analytics multiplies price with quantity
    Project-box integration added
    Donation plugin will respect products VAT settings now.
    Wordpress: Fixed Bug: No aMember's shortcode icon in post editor.
    Wordpress: Integration with thesis theme framework
    Wordpress - new option to exclude page/post from protection(useful to leave some landing page(s) unprotected having whole blog protected)
    Added new protect plugin: modx2 (ModX Revolution)
    Integration with CRM Zoho (
    Xenforo plugin. Create always remember cookie the same way as session cookie.
    Notification plugin: added ability to configure notification using relative days(for for example you can display notification when user has subscription to a product for day 2 to day three). Added ability to display notifications outside of amember.
    Fixed bug: GetResponse plugin didn't assign newsletter to user if user already was in that campaign.
    Xenforo: respect personal user permissions
    Fixed bug: Sendgrid plugin: Internal server error was generated in amember CP -> Protect Content -> Newsletters if there is no lists in sendgrid.
    Fixed Bug: Wordpress plugin: Fixed notice when 4.3. is in debug mode.
    Fixed Bug: Drupal Plugin: Single login didn;t was when Drupal was installed under https.
    New Plugin: Chamelion Social
    phpFox plugin was tested with 4.0.4
    Invision4 plugin.
***Payment plugins
    PayPal PayFlow iframe integration finished CIM: proper way to update user's CC info.
    ccbill: add referer (aff_id) to payment request, it is necessary for additional fraud protection
    New Payment Plugin: Zaxaa (
    Fixed bug: Payflow Link transactions were not activated properly.
    Closes #1175 - paypal: ability to handle billing terms as initial payment followed by second payment for lifetime access
    Sagepay - protocol change to 3.0 + added basket parameter
    Fixed bug: Coinbase didn't activate USD payments.
    New Payment Plugin: ePDQ (
    Fixed bug: "Paypal instant commission" plugin didn't work in live mode.
    Enabled partial refunds for payflow plugin
    Closes #1608: ClickBank refunds result in double entry
    PaymentWall - hide errors and show 'OK' for each notification
    Fixed bug: Safecart plugin was unable to create user if Last name is not available in incoming IPN message.
    Gocardless PRO payment plugin.
    Added ability to cancel Paypal Standard recurring payments automatically
    Authorize.NET CIM added "use new card" link in reuse form
    Charge2000 IPN didn't work. Paysystem send POST to ipn script but parameters were  included in GET string
    Added new payment plugin: paymento (
    Added new payment plugin: junglepay (
    New Payment Plugin: Centili (
    Authorize.NET CIM: Handle situations when user profile already exists.
    Fixed bug: Reversed and Cancelled_Reversal IPN messages weren't handled correctly by paypal plugin.
    Fixed bug: Verotel plugin didn't remove access on subscription expiration.
    Authorize.Net AIM - fixed refunds
    Fixed bug: Duplicate invoice in 4CS payment plugin for recurring payments.
    Added new payment plugin - selz (
    Fixed bug: Free trials didn't work with ccBill plugin.

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.6.3 released

Date: 5/15/2015

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.6.3. You can see changelog below.

Bugfix release

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.6.2 released

Date: 5/11/2015

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.6.2. You can see changelog below.

Currency: correct symbol for PHP (Philippine Peso)
di:__sleep API calls fixed - fix problems appeared in 4.6.x with Wordpress+Facebook+WP theme enabled
IDR: correct position for currency symbol
Added description of BCC field
Fixed bug: Free trials didn't work with ccBill plugin.
BCC option added for user email templates
Ability to select admins for admin e-mail templates

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 4.6.1 released

Date: 4/29/2015

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.6.1. You can see changelog below.

Stripe: fixed a problem appeared in 4.6.0
Implemented ability to add manual refunds even if payment system supports auto refunds. Useful when refund is processed through payment system already.
personal-content: ability to send email message to customer when new file is uploaded to his profile

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!