The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.6.0. You can see changelog below.
FACEBOOK: plugin has been updated to work with latest Facebook API. Facebook API v 1.0 will not work after April 30 Reports intervals added: "This Quarter" and "Last Quarter" Helpdesk: short url for tickets Donation plugin: ability to specify minimum donation amount Fixed bug: Javascript errors when wordpress theme + Google pagespeed enabled. Helpdesk: support for placeholders (%user.*%) in snippets Add rel="nofollow" for links in affiliate banners "Approve user" should trigger all necessary events eg. Am_Event::USER_AFTER_UPDATE etc. Ability to search protected content by product (backend) PDF invoice wasn't displayed when refund wasn't linked to payment. Ability to not check access permisson for custom fields on specific forms (it is useful to put such fileds on signup form) Set iconv.internal_encoding to utf-8: it is necessary so iconv_mime_decode_headers return result in UTF-8 Ability to specify refund date in case of manual refund German translation fixed Ability to create own tax plugins implemented, also removed all references to exact tax plugins (vat or vat2015) from aMember core files Default theme: improve login screen (do not show both forms (login/forgot password) together) Fix UTF-8 chars in pdf invoice contacts Fixed bug: Sequential invoice numbers had gaps in some situations Closes #1593 - ability to archive products added (hide instead of delete) Set robots meta for some pages Improve Mass Subscribe Action: ability to calculate access period based on current configuration (define only period) - eg. extend subscription for existing customers for 2 days Hide interface elements that admin has not access to (Invoice Screen) Bug Fixed: send affiliate registration email only if it is enabled in configuration Bug Fixed: magicselect was incorrectly initialized (select only first value) if magicselect was applied to stadard element (not using addMagicSelect or addSortableMagicSelect) Improved protection against simultaneous cron processes. API: Am_Event::EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TAG_OPTIONS - Called to retrive tag options for specific template Add Billing Terms to export fields (invoice) Respect Newsletter sort order on signup form. Ability to redefine sort order in brick settings Redirect customer to default signup form in case of user used incorrect signup url Added "Isle of Man" to EU Vat countries. Vat rate is the same as for UK ***Shopping Cart Fix for cart button on different domain then aMeber installation domain Fault tolerance: if we did not find any enabled payment plugin that was configured in module than just fall back to default behaviour instead of throw fatal error Redirect_to_cart should redirect to catalogue (not to registration page) ***EU Tax Display different invoices for refunds. (This is required according to new EU VAT rules) Added payment receipt and payment date to VAT report details Fixed wrong admin permissions for EU VAT report. Validate Location even if Invoice has no VAT Added ability to show details for all countries for given period. Subusers - separate admin permissions added ***Extensions file-upload: ability to download all files uploaded by user at once (.zip) file-upload: display time of file upload New Plugin: Cancel Feedback: allow to ask customer reson of cancel before process cancelation Autocoupon: do not assign placeholders if it already exits in template itself A/B Signup Module: added ability theme testing Added new method Universal Analitcis to google-analytics plugin Avatar: ability to add avatar column to user grid (backend) force-i-agree: add exception for logout; ability to reset i-agree status based on cutomer active access New plugin: Paypal instant commission. Ability to pay commissions instantly(through paypal Adaptive API). ***Payment Plugins Stripe: fixed cvc requirement Fixed bug: IPN about goCardless recurring payments were not processed. Fixed Bug: iyzico plugin recurring payments didn't work. Fixed bug: Epoch plugin: Refund amount were added in USD even if initial transaction was not in USD Clickbank: add clickbank legal text on thank you page Authorize.Net: Partial Refunds New Payment Plugin: Comen Pay ( New Payment Plugin: Omise ( Clicksure payment plugin added Added new cc plugin: firstdata-e4 New Payment Plugin: SmartDebit - REST (Adhoc) ( Fixed bug: Refund was added twice for paypal in case of disputes. Fixed bug: v3 URL didn't work for paypal_pro plugin. ***Integration Plugins Closes #1601 New setting for protect plugins: "Super Groups" these groups will not be removed by aMember. New Integration Plugin: phpSFP New Integration Plugin: Mailwizz ( phpBB plugin tested with phpBB version 3.1.3 Wordpress: better IntegrationSettingDescription phpSound plugin
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The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.5.3. You can see changelog below.
Fixed Bug: MySQL error in case of custom table prefix (prefix was used literally) Fixed Bug: access was not added after payment
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The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.5.2. You can see changelog below.
Implements #1570 - Separate permission for user "access" management in admin area Autocomplete for coupon field in create pending invoice action (backend) Implements #1382 - seamless integration between directory module and avatar plugin Closes #1204 - removed ability to delete imported lists Closes #1391 - CSRF error on resend of mass emails Implements #1550 - option to Hide Quantities in Shopping Cart Respect sort order for list of Newsletter Subscriptions Closes #1578 - Payment Refund link pushed off screen Closes #1553 - Ajax email address error message login link on order forms should redirect back to order form Display Tax information in invoice details for admin: customer IP/country and tax rate Do not show user menu on CC payment page, remove dead code from template Do not require paysystem when create pending invoice, customer can choose anyone form public when pay in this case Fix billing terms for restored subscription (should not decrease rebill_times for IProduct::RECURRING_REBILLS) Mail: add <html> tags if it does not present in text/html, add text/plain part if mail is html (improve delivery) Fixed bug: Greek characters were converted to HTML entities in Email editor. Fixed bug: Now affiliate link allows a dot in username Added support for AWS Signature version4. Fixed bug: Amazon S3 didn't work for new regions (Frankfurt for example). Bug Fixed: CC plugin (cancel) did not mark action as success, some 3ty part code rely on it eg. upgrades Closes #1574 - Credit Card Rebills Number misleading (this report should included only rebills handled by CC driven payment plugins) Allow to change First and Last name on signup form Respect port in Location Redirect Show payment link for pending invoice only if link is active Credits Plugin: add credits if access added without invoice (from admin interface) Report Quant Week: fix last/first year week Ability to use custom language files (do not overwrite with upgrade) Card rebills - fixed date on manual rebill Assign category to products fixed Ability to fill in name field later if necessary Allow to pay pending invoice without due_date by link if it is not older than 30 days Fix Catalog Prices Include Tax for qty more than "1" Fixed bug: New-rewrite plugin didn't work on .dev and .local domains Add ability to import user afiliate status (Import from CSV) ***EU VAT Tax EU VAT Report implemented 2015 EU TAX module: added new option: Validate Location Outside of EU. This will validate all new invoices even if user specify country outside of EU. Fixed bug: Online VAT ID validation didn't work. NEW EU VAT Rules -> Added new setting: Self Validation. If aMember was unable to validate user's location, user will be able to confirm it manually Fixed bug: VAT ID validation didn't work Fixed bug: VAT was applied even if user specified valid VAT ID Fixed bug: VAT ID wasn't displayed in user profile when new VAT plugin was enabled Added ability to define custom EU VAT rates for products ***Extension Plugins New Plugin: Invite a friend New Conversion-track plugin allows to insert custom JS codes for tracking (ex. Adwords) New Plugin: Payment Link - allow to generate quick payment link for specific user account (product or flat amount) Product-chain: additional option - Expire the following product(s) on Expiration OTO: ability to choose specific billing plan for OTO Improved AffLeads plugin: added ability to display custom fields, filter and export results. Product Chain Plugin: new option - Add the following product(s) on Signup ***Integration Plugins Wordpress Plugin: New option in protection settings "require all products to allow access" Fixed bug: Session get lost in wordpress when user navigates to Shopping Cart in aMember Mediawiki plugin fixed Closes #1351 - WP-Plugin: Category redirect to url broken Wordpress: fixed plugin, no need to update wpcourseware or buddypress groups for not amember users New Plugin: FileRun ( New Plugin: adobe-connect New Plugin: jamroom New Plugin: activecollab New Plugin: 4images New Plugin: phplist Sendgrid api: pass reply-to param if specified Sendgrid api: correctly handle bcc Implements #771 - multiple user groups for XenForo plugin Invision - clean password field before hashing ***Payment Plugins Fixed bug: NMI plugin unable to void or refund sales Stripe: fixed bug: charging wrong price (0.01 less than price) Fixed Bug: Payflow Link plugin didn;t activate payments. PayPal: handle Reversed and Canceled_Reversal payment status Iyzico payment plugin added Segpay payment plugin added Twocheckout: bug fixed with multiple refund records Closes #1563 - Stripe refunds handling Implemented refund support for plugnpay Added AUD support in Stripe plugin. New Payment Plugin: DalPay - Checkout ( New Payment Plugin: SmartDebit - Direct Link ( Infusion-soft - sort tags for product's option Authorize SIM: change status to Beta Fixed bug: recurring sales with DealGuardialn were not activated. Orbitalpay-form - fixed thanks redirect Auth.Net CIM - allow partial rebills Eway fixed - charge correct amount for second period e-check: mark invoice as Failed even if 'Retry On Failure' is not configured CC: mark invoice as Failed even if 'Retry On Failure' is not configured Added new cc payment plugin: whitepayments
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.5.1. You can see changelog below.
Minor bug fixes
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.5.0. You can see changelog below.
Product "welcome" email template added Implemented sequential invoice numbering(for EU VAT 2015) New EU VAT rules with two Pieces of location evidence implemented Tax: Ability to use prices incl. tax instead of add tax above product price New Report: Tax Report Implements #1529 - hide tabs in user profile for admin if he has not access to it (backend) Google Analytics: better sales tracking - will track sales even if sale is not handled instantly Ability to use zero discount coupon (Invite code or Afilite tracking) Disable validation of product requirements for Product Upgrades Fix jv plugin for case of purchase multiple products at once Implements #1557 - separate cancel notification for upgraded invoices Show information about refund in pdf invoice Display correct invoice number on thanks page. Ability to hide fieldset/title for Address brick API: Am_Event::GET_ALLOWED_RESOURCES New Report Quant - Quarter Technical Email Address - used on error pages to prevent disclosure of Admin Email Address User Notes: format notes properly, ability to edit/delete existing notes (configuration option) Bug fixed: form is not submited in Chrome if submit button is disabled Log UserAgent for customer on signup and last signin Ability to add links with custom attributes (target, class, id etc.) Bug Fixed: add enclosed quote for attribute values in attrs helper Personal Content Plugin: Ability to upload personal files in batch to all users with specific access Closes #1549 - Bug Fixed: Admin login popup dialog didn't work Ability to choose "Reply To" Address in "Email Users" Fixed bug: In some situations user receive expiration email which he shouldn't receive normally. (for example if he didn't have expired product configured in notification) Display payment link for pending invoices, so admin can send it in personal email. Closed #1548 - missed loading icon Add ability to download CSV-file for standard reports Vietnamese locale fixed Fixed bug: Incorrect value of aMember CP -> Setup -> Login Page -> Session Length can break whole system. Import script from Your Members wordpress plugin. Add cancel/upgrade links to Active Subscriptions block on user dashboard, Add ability to upgrade from free subscription (use first acceptable public payment system) display database name used by aMember on System Info page Fixed bug: UserEcho plugin: do not require to verify email twice. closes #1455 - idevaffiliate: pass the coupon code to idevaff Closes #1394 - clear shopping cart in offline plugin Closes #1512 - js code soft errors Closes #1531 - Help button is not highlighted when ticket is visited and returned back to tickets New Plugin: pending-invoice-clear - remove old user's pending invoices when new invoice completed New User Filter: Last Signin Closes #1541: Group action fixed New Plugin: Product Chain: allow add another product on expiration or expire another product on signup Subusers plugin: Added ability to restore parent user session after login as subuser action. Allied: Partial Refunds New Payment Plugin: Allied New Report: Tax by Customer Country Subusers plugin: Added ability to login as subuser for resellers. Closes #1372 - ability to process partial refunds from aMember CP Closes #1435 - added ADMIN_USERS_FILTER_INIT event method Closes #1434 - Add a ADMIN_USERS_AUTOCOMPLETE event in AdminUsersController.php, autocompleteAction Closes #1427 - Complete Invoice PDF customization made possible with an event Closed #1467 Ability to continue canceled recurring subscription for user. Fixed bug:Wordpress plugin: Expired users didn't have an access to content protected by shortcode even if shortcode allows this. %paylink% placeholder for pending email notification ***Payment Plugins New Payment Plugin: iPayDNA ( Fixed bug: Safecart plugin: unable to activate recurring payments. Moneris (Canada): add info about line items to purchase link PayPal: check billing terms before redirect. PayPal can not handle subscription terms with number of rebills more than 52 Paypal - fixed refunds for autocreated invoices paypal: do not send a1,p1,t1 if price and duration for first and second period are the same(avoid trial notice in paypal payment page) PayPal Express: add additional configuration options (BRANDNAME and LANDINGPAGE) CIM: respect validation mode settings in case of hosted version Add new payment plugin: monelib Add new cc payment plugin: beanstream-remote Paymill (Direct Debit) Implemented new way to validate safecart IPN message. Not using IP check now Implemented ability to autocreate invoices for safecart plugin. CCBill - do not add payment for free trial CCBill - use username/password from IPN for autocreated invoices abnamro payment plugin added Fixed bug: Paysafecart plugin generated an error in live mode. Fixed bug: eWay recurring transactions didn't work. Verotel - dynamic pricing added New Payment Plugin: AmericanExpress - Hosted Payment Page ( eWay Shared Payments ( Charge2000 plugin: Allow to specify web_id in product configuration. OrbitalPay-Form payment plugin added New Payment Plugin: eGHL ( Partial refunds for Stripe New Payment Plugin: Redsys ( allied: 3d secure support Implements #1532 - Clickbank IPN 6.0 support ***Integration Plugins XOOPS integration plugin added Fixed but: Sendgrid plugin: Newsletter lists were not properly updated Wordpress Plugin: Added two new bricks: "Nickname" and "Display name publicly as" these bricks are available for profile forms and these bricks are linked to Wordpress profile. New Email Sending method: SendGrid (API) - useful for hostings which block outgoing connections to SMTP (eg. godaddy)
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!
The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 4.4.4. You can see changelog below.
Shopping Cart: assign category code to template Verotel: dynamic pricing added Coinbase: updated to use new API authentication method Cancel-on-upgrade: try to send cancelInvoice action if it is allowed by payment system Increase default value for memory limit in batch processor. 64M is not enough ClickBank: Closes #1524 - ClickBank required message on thank you page (clickbank plugin) Aff: API: new event introduced AFF_BIND_AFFILIATE Fixed bug: Unable to logout when "Always remember" is enabled in config. Joint Venture Plugin (works based on aff module, partner get his share as commision in affliate programm) Add Validate Event to Profile form as well as signup form Bug fixed: file downloads log was not shown becouse of error Fixed totals in payout report Name Brick: always hide it on signup form in case of user is already logged in Added custom fields to the export of Payments,Refunds,Invoices Unsubscribed brick (can be used on profile form) Fixed bug: In some situations user receive expiration email which he shouldn't receive normally. (for example if he didn't have expired product configured in notification) Add Additional Dynamic Periods for Reports: Last 90 days, Last 6 months, Last year and This year New Payment System: I-Payout ( OSS6 data import script implemented Listmail plugin fixed Hotmart payment plugin added
Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!