
aMember PRO 6.3.14 released

Date: 11/8/2022

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.14. You can see changelog below.

New Feature: One Time Password Authentication
fix(form): id attribute can not contain spaces
fix(form-validate): javascript validation for multiselect and magicselect elements
feat(cart): live checkbox "is new" to product grid
feat(product-manage): mass action Amend Product Requirements
fix(invoice-calc): need to eliminate any missed indexes in array, otherwise we get not expected result after array_splice
feat(file-upload): new mass actions - Delete and Download
fix(custom-field-select): properly handle default value
fix(cart): destroy form session container after registration
feat(adv-search): new conditions: HaveActiveRecurringInvoice and NotHaveActiveRecurringInvoice
Monolog library updated to v2
Fixed Newsletters brick option "Default unchecked"
feat(cancel-feedback): disable right click on cancel link (prevent ability to cancel without feedback)
feat(i18n): terms text - ability to use different format based on period unit {d|m|y}
Bug fixed - checkVatService has started to require content-type
feat(payment-grid): ability to filter all recurring payments (including the original payment)
Jquery Lightbox fixed bug for output more then 1 blocks at the same page
Slovenian locale fixed
fix(refund-grid): include refunds for subsequent payment to search result (by product) only if product is recurring
fix(payment-grid): include subsequent payment to search result (by product) only if product is recurring
Translation fixed for cart basket total
Translation fixed for cart header
fix(cart): terms must be string, object cause error on invoice save
feat(cart): add total to basket
Filter non-digits for Venmo payout report
fix(video): embed code in AMD environment
feat(aff-bonus-link): add description for link
"Unknown invoice [%s] or invoice is already processed" show to user instead of "internal error"
Restore-recurring fixed - redirect to cancel page if something was wrong
feat(one-per-line): allow to sort existing items
fix(cart): not possible to add to cart product with single multi-select option where user did not select anything
fix(video): poster in case of file from disk is used
    feat(paymentwall): New Pingback IP subnet support
    Kuickpay payment plugin
    Paypal - PDT redirect for free trials fixed, generic thanks page will be used
    Fixed Bug: Stripe Additional Source Sepa Debit require address info in some situations
    CoinbaseCommerce re-worked to use Charge API(better redirect to thanks page)
    feat(mycryptocheckout): ability to sort wallets
    CheckoutCom API 3 payment plugin added
    FastspringContextual - handling of "subscription.deactivated" event added
    Braintree - hosted mode bug fixed
    New Payment Plugin: Integrity Merchant Solutions
    Redsys - added Ds_Merchant_Titular(customer's name) parameter
    CryptoCom payment plugin added
    Windcave payment plugin added
    feat(mycryptocheckout): monero_private_view_key
    PaypalCheckout payment plugin added
    PayPro - cancellation IPN handling added
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Uddokta Pay (
    fastspring-contextual: ability to use multiple plugins/accounts in same installation
    Fixed bug: ccBill plugin: Datalink didn't work right in some situations if more than one sub-accounts were used
    Activecampaign-full - catch API error
    Mailpoet - bug fixed
    Mautic - changeEmail added
    Xeroapi - use unique "InvoiceNumber" for each payment
    SelfService: Ability to send credits between accounts
    InfusionSoft - bug fixed, allow to get more than 1000 tags
    Discord - ability to hide login button + Italian button translation
    OAuth2 API: Ability to get Invoice upgrades and create upgraded invoice
    Facebook - check email for ban
    Xenforo - PHP8 fix
    Hubspot Plugin was updated to work with Private Apps

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

New Feature: Telegram Integration

Date: 9/16/2022

We have added an ability to integrate aMember PRO with Telegram.

Integration   is useful if you want to offer additional benefits for your members, such as fast support via Telegram, or provide an  access to private trading information and so on. Integration  controls who is able to access your private Telegram channels , allowing an access only for members with active subscriptions.     You can manage more than one channel depends on membership level. 

Integration is available as an optional plugin that can be purchased and enabled from your aMember PRO Control Panel -> Addons Shop

aMember PRO 6.3.13 released

Date: 6/28/2022

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.13. You can see changelog below.

EmailUsers - fixed to send test email by username OR email address
Cancel link added to credit card payment form
Add items list view to cart
Shopping Cart: Ability to skip periods for product terms when product is being displayed in the cart. Useful for physical products
Ability to translate product option title/description
Shopping Cart: Ability to mark products as new in cart
New Storage Plugin: Contabo
Fixed bug: Some JS Dialogs didn't work in aMember CP when opened second time
Upgraded jquery UI to 1.13.1
feat(admin-ui): add Last Signin (Date/Time) column to user grid
PHP 8.1 deprecated warnings fixed
feat(report): Amount of Rebills by time period
feat(report): Number of Rebills by time period
LiveDate grid action
add eTLD
    Fixed Bug: CheckoutCom rebills failure in some situations
    Fixed Bug: Duplicate transactions in some situations when user Square UP payment plugin.
    ccBill plugin: Attempt to charge previous user (if enabled), if charge fails redirect user to ccBill.
    ccBill plugin: Cancel discounts support implemented.
    ccBill Plugin: Added an ability to extend subscription through Change Rebill Date functionality
    feat(aweber): simplify tag management (allow to create tags from amember), bypass aweber api limits
    feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Moosend (
    Newsletter Module: List Unsubscribe notification for user
    Unsubscribe notification to user
    Discord plugin: Login with discord functionality
    Cancel Feedback: Ability for admin to specify cancellation reason
    feat(subusers): respect username constraints for subusers
    Widget Plugin:  Ability to specify more than one target for widget
    pdf-stamping - "transparency" setting added
    Notification plugin:  ability to translate notifications
    New Oauth API controller: ability to get/update  token

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.12 released

Date: 4/20/2022

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.12. You can see changelog below.

fix(wp): break config data on initial setup
fix(send-grid-v3): properly set reply_to address
feat(signup-form): ability to use condition display for phone field
InfusionSoft - php 8.1 fix
Wordpress - Learndash integration fixed
guzzlehttp/psr7 updated to non-vulnerable version 1.8.5
FastspringContextual - support of "subscription.uncanceled" added
Fixed bug: Redsys CreditCard: Error in re-billing when reference transactions are being used.
Stripe Apple Pay - recurring amount fixed
Sendlane - "no lists" fixed
aweber: bypass 120/minute limit when user has many lists
feat(avatar): Allowed MIME types for avatar

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.11 released

Date: 3/17/2022

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.11. You can see changelog below.

Change required PHP version to 7.4
feat(admin): ability to clear all cache data from admin interface
feat(admin-ui): refunds user grid column
feat(bruteforce-protector): add ability to include login type (ADMIN or USER) to admin email notification
feat(payment-email): ability to send email only for first or only for subsequent payments in recurring subscription
feat(newsletter): New Newsletter Plugin: Sendinblue (
feat(rest-api): user-notes endpoint
feat(theme): ability to sort social item links
fix(email): internal php mail (php8) - incorrect new line to separate headers leads to incorrect format of mail
fix(newsletter): route to ajax controller
fix(report): Average Lifetime Value: it always used now for end date for cohort
Improve compatibility with php8
MailQueue - updated to send emails by 5mins cron
    feat(cloudpayments): handle recurring plan with lifetime second period
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Luxon Pay (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Webpays (
    ShurjoPay: rewrite plugin to use new API
    CCBill - updated to handle datalink and cancel for subaccounts from product settings
    feat(fastspring-contextual): handle cancel webhook
    fix(aweber): retrieve all lists (pagination)
    Aweber plugin: do not require for client to create developer account
    fix(sendfox): retrieve all lists (pagination)
    Self-Service: admin permission fixed
    SunSub updated to work with latest
    Baremetrics integration
    feat(invite): ability to set limit of invites per user per month
    Default Product Plugin: Fixed bug duplicate signup emails in some situation
    feat(brick-upgrade): ability to set upgrades to show within brick configuration
    ThanksPage plugin - payment placeholder added
    Access By Publish date - folders support added
    Access By Publish date - exact period added
    fix(notification): respect option dont_close (show notification) even if user previously dismiss notification (when option was dont_close disabled)

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.10 released

Date: 1/25/2022

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.10. You can see changelog below.

Improve compatibility with php8
Set session name explicitly in order to Am_Lite can work in any environment (eg.: 3rd party script uses different session name)
Ability to translate unsubscribe text/html added
Enable CRAM MD5 authentication method for SMTP. (the only method allowed by Kirim email service)
feat(ui): ability to choose Week Starts On for calendar UI element
feat(admin-ui): Debug Log - segregate info messages to separate section
feat(admin-ui): Ability to filter admin log by admin
feat(pdf-invoice): Ability to configure size of logo
feat(storage): New Storage Plugin: StackPath (
feat(helpdesk): use ticket subject for page title
feat(pcloud): Add Europe Data Center Support
feat(cart): support for image/webp for product picture
feat(reports): Active Users by Product Categories
feat(auth): option to Allow Not Approved Users to Login
fix(vat): need to pass item when recalculate tax for subsequent payments (different items can have different rate)
fix(ui): do not display cancel link in Active Subscriptions widget for not recurring items in recurring invoice
fix(wp): properly get siteurl when multisite enabled
Rest API: key IP check changed to "starts with" check instead of equal. Allow to specify values like: 127.0.
REST API: Ability to query for saved forms
Bug fixed - import of encrypted passwords
Bug fixed - onSubscriptionChanged was not called for setGroups from Hidden User Group Brick, so integrations did not work right
Locked Group fixed for integration plugins
Fixed: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=#
Credit Card Rebills - filter fixed
    Aweber Plugin: Tags support added
    Aweber plugin updated to work with Oauth 2.0
    GetResponse bug fixed - API v3 has no response body for 202 status
    CenPos payment plugin added
    JazzCash payment plugin added
    Myghpay payment plugin added
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Sisow (
    Netbilling: allow use previous order# for rebilling existing customers
    Stripe - show/hide card field if new/existing card is selected
    Self-Service - admin permissions fixed
    feat(self-service): User Mass Actions - Self Service Credit/Debit
    Access By Publish Date - links added
    LifetimeBp fixed do not throw error for manual access records
    SubscriptionLimit plugin fixed to respect CreditCard signup form bricks
    feat(serials): serial batches introduced
    feat(sales-popup): ability to choose sort order for notifications (Random|Chronological|Reverse Chronological)
    feat(softsale): abiliaty to manage postion of License menu item in user menu
    feat(subusers): ability to include parent_id to user export
    feat(cookie-notice): ability to choose text color in plugin configuration
    Discord - groups integration fixed

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!