
aMember PRO 6.3.9 released

Date: 11/4/2021

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.9. You can see changelog below.

Catch all exceptions and errors in cron
Show cron tasks execution in seconds. Correctly show if task wasn't finished.
Credit Card Rebills - pagination fixed
feat(bundle-discount): separate admin permission to manage discount rules
feat(signup-form): conditional display by coupon code
fix(upgrade-path): handle case with different currency for FROM and TO billing plans
fix(mass-subscribe): does not allow double click in chrome (avoid multiple form submit)
feat(admin-saved-form): mass actions - Delete/Disable/Enable
fix(admin-payments): filter by user name - 'name_f' in where clause is ambiguous
fix(field-date): ability to clear date
exclude helpdesk autocomplete from access log
fix(aff): lead is not recorded
feat(custom-field): ability to restrict mime types for upload fields
feat(form): add input type=number element
fix(admin-aff-payout): sql error on page with payout details in admin interface in case of AM_HUGE_DB (Duplicate column name)
Admin cron logs - filter added
bugfix - absorb tax, better way to calculate to avoid rounding issue
fix(invoice cancel): handle case of delete product in cancel invoice notification
fix(user-consent): sql error on tab with user consent in admin interface in case of AM_HUGE_DB (Duplicate column name)
fix(template): VIEW_BODY_APPEND event remove one symbol from original content
fix(subusers): exclude subusers from clear pending users query
Name brick fixed - two rows + reverse order
    Cloudpayments payment plugin added
    Stripe: swap option disable_paymethod_select -> enable_paymethod_select
    GotoWebinar plugin: suppress errors on member's pages. Cache frequently info
    Facebook Conversions - event_id added
    Chartmogul plugin added
    fix(directory): access check for menu item

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.8 released

Date: 9/22/2021

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.8. You can see changelog below.

Sendgrid3 - updated to do not use legacy API
Mollie - fixed to respect amount for partial refund notification
bugfix - NOTICE: Undefined property: TaskTable::$di in line 67 of file /library/Am/Model/Task.php
bugfix - Exception Error:Call to a member function hasService() on null at line 119 in file library/Am/View.php, aff/aff?c=****
improve compatibility with php8
    feat(schedule email): ability to send test email
    feat(schedule email): ability to preview email
    feat(credits): display history in reverse chronological order
    Telegram - better log API calls

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.7 released

Date: 9/14/2021

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.7. You can see changelog below.

Admin Vat Report - paysys if filter fixed
Shopping Cart: external domains fixed
AdvancedSearch - searchable list
feat(simple-template): strip_tags modifier
feat(email-template): ability to use %expires% placeholder in cancel email notification
feat(admin-ui): filter on not-confirmed users list
feat(pdf-receipt): multi-page receipt (useful for order with many items)
feat(advanced-search): checkbox has any value selected
feat(product-upgarde): new product upgrade type - Next Cycle
feat(wp): compatibility with theme mission-news
feat(custom-fields): ability to add SQL fields with size 16, 32, 64 - important if you have many tiny additional fields (DB row size limit is just 8126)
feat(admin): quick filter for buy now buttons in admin interface
feat(admin): record password set date/time for admin
feat(api): ability to use X-API-Key header to authorize request
feat(forms-editor): Coupon brick - option to hide field by default, user need to click link to see it
fix(new-rewrite): escape space in folder path
fix(adv-search): NOT IN operator, take into account NULL values
fix(signup form): always inject logged in user record as datasource, it is required to populate readonly fields
fix(manual-rebill): grace period fixed
fix(avatar): mkdir return false if directory already exists therefore exception is threw
fix(digital-ocean-spaces): fix code of Singapore region
fix(email-template): display tax rate with decimals in %invoice_text% placeholder
feat(aff): Paxum payout method
feat(aff): UPI (Unified Payments Interface) payout method
feat(aff): add paysys column to grid with commissions in admin interface
Am_Tasks one-time run scheduler implemented
new event: VIEW_BODY_APPEND - append addReturn() content before </body>, called once
Fixed bugs: Am_Lite didn't properly work if session name is not default in php config.
feat(mautic): ability to pass user custom fields
GetResponse Plugin: Added API v3 support
Eu Vat Id added to customize/export of Users grid
Added Manual Rebill payment plugin type. Before rebill date user will receive message with payment link and will be able to complete subscription payment manually. Currently btcpay and coinbase-commerce are supported.
Fixed bug: EU vat was calculated wrong if invoice had quantity
In grids load total and paginator in separate ajax requests to speed up overall loading
fix(acellemail): update api calls
bug fixed - no need to expire lifetime products after second payment
bug fixed - do not send product welcome emails if user is unsubscribed
bug fixed - report Conversion rate by payment system breakdown used to use wrong end date
    New Payment system plugin: InovioPay
    New Payment plugin: SeamlessChex
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: ShurjoPay (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: SManager (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Remitano (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: MyCryptoCheckout (
    ThriveCart - recurring notification fixed
    Epoch - whitelist
    Stripe - update credit card fixed
    Stripe plugin: Allow for customer to select existing payment method in stripe (so limit number of payment methods created)
    Stripe/Payflow Fixed "update cc info" link, added phone to Payflow card form
    Payumoney: Fixed bug: payment was not activated
    Fixed Bug: Vendo plugin treat refund IPN as payments
    Konnektive - allow comma separated product #'s
    New Plugin Facebook Conversions. Add Facebook pixel to aMember pages, use Conversion API to send purchase event.
    Payment-link - ability to use flat amount + product
    feat(notification): ability to have different notifications for different zones
    feat(auto-login-placeholder): REST API to create autologin link
    Apple-signin - updated to do not use file_get_contents
    feat(signup-form-evergreen): ability to reset first view for form
    feat(product-feedback): intro text on capture feedback form
    feat(invite): ability to set daily invite limit per user
    cancel-on-upgrade: set zero invoice->data->UPGRADE_INVOICE_ID to correctly count it in reports
    cancel-feedback: added admin permissions

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.6 released

Date: 6/14/2021

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.6. You can see changelog below.

fix(rebill): Rebills were processed with errors in some situations
fix(backup): Do not save email with backup to log to avoid recursion

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.5 released

Date: 6/7/2021

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.5. You can see changelog below.

feat(product-management): mass action Set Product Requirements
feat(simple-tpl): allow symbol '/' in literals, useful for urls to escape %'/amember/signup/'|urlencode%
Attach address and tax rate to payment/refund. Display correct rate/pdf invoice in situations when user changed address info
Rest Api - fixed post,put requests for classes based on Am_Record
Backup Cron - ignore abort and extend memory limit
fix(form-editor): multiple HTML bricks in sidebar position
fix(brick-conditional): avoid trigger change event - it lead to bug when state field do not populated (change triggered before CountryState initialized)
fix(option-editor): sort rows, ability to edit empty text label
fix(url): incorrect translation relative url to absolute
fix(form): fault tolerance in case of remove attempt of not existing element
feat(aff): new commission rule condition - Number of Payment in Invoice
feat(cart): show product if it is member of at least one category with revealed code
feat(cart): show products in category requested by code even if product is member of another category with code
fix(cart): delay _setBasketItems until i18n loaded
fix(cart): endless redirect if logged in user open signup/cart directly
fix(cart): do not allow to put invoice-summary and donation bricks to form in admin UI. These bricks has not effect in case of shopping cart
fix(cart): ability to use files from Disk as product image
Mailer Lite: Flexible Actions support
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Cryptonator (
    feat(ccavenue): compatibility with latest PHP: mcrypt -> openssl
    Sberbank - recurring fixed
    ClickFunnels - cancel event handling added
    Vendo - payment plugin added
    Paddle plugin update
    apple-signin plugin added
    feat(login-monitor): allow to send email only for users with specific product
    feat(shipping-flat): free shipping threshold
    feat(gift-card): ability to add gift card from admin interface
    fix(sales-notification): delay initialization until document is fully loaded (get rid of jquery race condition)
    fix(donation): visualization error, numbers likes 3.4000000000000017
    Infusion-soft - allow to send plain text pass for registration email
    feat(self-service): show thank you page after user get product
    feat(self-service): Option to Notify Admin when User Get Product
    feat(self-service): pagination for products page

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.3.4 released

Date: 4/20/2021

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.3.4. You can see changelog below.

feat(admin-ui): Addons: Hint to check Addons Directory if Nothing found in My Plugins section
feat(report): Payments by payment system breakdown: ability to run report for selected payment systems
feat(admin-ui): Mass Action to assign template (Pages/Videos)
feat(buynow-button): improve UX: allow to put coupon code on signup form to avoid unnecessary second step
feat(admin-ui): add column with number of active users to grid with archived products
feat(aff): New payout Method: Coin Payments
feat(wp): compatibility with supermarket theme
feat(theme): ability to add Login/Logout link
fix(ui): password indicator - proper width when used custom font (font loaded later and change width of input element)
fix(admin-ui): Mass action change order for email templates (special case)
fix(newsletter): add free subscription (if configured) if user signup from other than signup form source (eg.: social signup, added from admin interface etc.)
fix(i18n): translations for product categories in shopping cart
fix(form): removeElementByName need to check form deeply
fix(report): compatibility with PHP 8 (float + string trigger Fatal Error)
ConvertKit tags support
Facebook - ability to add few products after login
Am_Protect_Databased - fixed supergroups if user email address is changed
jQuery click event fixed for mobile devices
    Razorpay - recurring added
    Clickfunnels - free trial fixed
    Networkmerchants-hosted - refunds added
    Netbilling - allow to charge using reference(for imported transactions)
    Stripe - fixed bug - The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer
    fix(paypal-plus): handle shipping fee
    fix(flexpay): saleID is same for all upcoming transactions but we need unique value
    fix(paysys): Cardinity, incorrect amount format if amount more than 1K (number_format use thousands separator)
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: LexPay (
    feat(paysys): New Payment System: Copecart (
    Epoch - ETS parameter bug fixed
    Woocommerce payment plugin added
    feat(aff-lead): new option Show Products - allow to display only defined subscriptions
    fix(aff-lead): search by Active Subscriptions field
    feat(discord): Advanced User Search Condition: Discord Login
    feat(upsell): option to keep qty from conditional product
    MaxMind Plugin updated to work with latest API

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!