
aMember PRO 6.2.11 released

Date: 12/14/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.11. You can see changelog below.

Bug Fixed: Product brick within fieldset on multi-page form
Bug Fixed: Ability to assign user/affiliate to coupon if user has numeric username
Bug Fixed: Popup form close icon
Ability to copy autoresponder emails added
Fieldset brick: ability to set CSS class, unique ID for name fields
Admin UX: Forms Editor - make available bricks block sticky - quite useful in case of form with many fields
Implements #2104: Add ability to set name (admin reference) to form bricks
Bug Fixed: Unable to configure Moodle Plugin if MySQL uses non-default port
Eliminate unnecessary depth limit from menu
Shopping Cart: ability to use radio buttons for payment system
Several possible XSS issues fixed
Bug Fixed: too big value of 'group_concat_max_len' pointed to empty results
Directory: fix markdown for sortable headers
Bug Fixed: directory - not possible to user groups and subscription columns together
Optimise admin coupons page: use ajax request to get details of coupon usage
Helpdesk: enable valuesToForm/valuesFromForm events for ticket form
REST API: user-groups endpoint
Bug Fixed: order of 'Resource Categories Menu' in case of there is only one item
User Consent: Ability to make it optional
UX: even/odd records in table with access in admin interface
Address Brick: Add settings Read-only
New interval for reports last 12 months
Product Conversion Report: Add revenue to report data
User Search Criteria: Share Same Signup IP with other users
User Search Criteria: Last Signin match signup date
Fix UI for 'Last Signin' search criteria
Hide links to edit rebill date and cancel recurring if admin has not permission to do it
Refresh auth session on profile update (important in case of change username/email and integration plugin)
Bug Fixed: execute Am_Event::AUTH_AFTER_LOGIN in case of 2fa
Ability to clear Invoice Log manually/automatically
Regenerate session id after login (prevent session fixation)
Bug Fixed: frontend - initialize datepicker for elements loaded by ajax requests
    New payout day option added "Last day of the month"
    Bug Fixed: Aff Stats page with Compare against other periods
    Add search for banners in aff UI
    Webmoney fixed
    Stripe plugin: Send customer name to stripe
    Payeezy-js2 payment plugin added
    Curopayments payment plugin added
    Stripe Echeck payment plugin added
    UsaEpay: PCI DSS SAQ-A compatible solution
    Discord plugin: Ability to remove link with Discord
    Autocoupons: Ability to set period of validity for generated coupons
    Aff Bonus Link: ability to bind single link to multiple products
    Avatar: fix orientation of image based on exif if possible
    Discord: trigger user update event of link/unlink account

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.10 released

Date: 10/20/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.10. You can see changelog below.

Fixed bug: Stripe plugin: No such customer error when more then one Stripe plugin enabled.
conversion-track: base64_encode content on config form before submit it to server (help to bypass security filters on server)
Bug Fixed: Filter at Protect Content -> All (Union query require special attention on filter apply)
2FA: brute force protection
Solid Color Theme: Ability to customize Footer
Solid Color Theme/Black Theme: Ability to add links to social media accounts from theme configuration page
Advanced Search: Language - add known options
Shopping Cart: Empty cart in case of invoice was completed by IPN
Expire Emails: ability to send email to users with cancelled recurring invoice
Fixed bug: Unable to download EU Vat Report
Fixed bug: RazorPay plugin, already captured payments were not properly activated
New User Search Condition: Has User Notes
New Payment System: eeeCurrency (
Credits Plugin: Ability to do affiliate payout to internal credits
Bug Fixed: helpdesk admin ui change owner/set watchers etc.
Idevaffiliate: submit currency
New Payment plugin: WeChatPay
'hide' src url for video/audio in html source code
Bug Fixed: invoice summary on second page of multi-page signup forms
samesite cookie fixed for aws hosting
Bug Fixed: "mime type mismatch" console error for aff click js
Fixed bug: JS error on subuser pages
Discord plugin: Ability to add user to discord server and assign role depends on purchased subscriptions
PayButton: case when button configured to use any payment system but only single one is suited to current invoice
Bug Fixed: paysystem-toggle (ie.: Credit Card Input Element) in case of single payment system on form
Stripe-apple-pay, Stripe-google-pay - fixed to use token from new stripe plugin
xeroapi - ability to resubmit old payments + code cleanup
PayMaya Checkout payment plugin
Personal Content: Mass Action to User Grid - remove file
Divi theme title fixed
mailchimp - debug option added
Header Menu: narrow screen state
Fixed bug: Incorrect amount was billed by Authorize.Net plugin in case of manual rebill in some situations.
self-service - deduct confirmation option added

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.9 released

Date: 9/7/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.9. You can see changelog below.

Bug Fixed: Helpdesk Javascript on Frontend
Personal-Content: ability to set sort order for files on user side
jquery.form (ajaxSubmit) can be used on frontend
    Separate payout methods 'Paypal' and 'PayPal or Venmo'
    Improve commission rules (aff_sales_count|aff_items_count|aff_sales_amount) - add periods (current month|all time)
    New Payout Method: Cash App

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.8 released

Date: 9/1/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.8. You can see changelog below.

Restored safe jQuery load option - improved compatibility
Added "Hide" option for Countries
Allow reuse stored credit card if supported by plugin (now stripe only, enable via PHP config)
New Newsletter Plugin: Acelle Mail (
Ability to sort Users grid by full name
New Newsletter Plugin: Send Fox (
New Payment Plugin: Remita
Authorize.Net CIM - recurringBilling parameter fixed
mutasibank payment plugin added
Bug Fixed in country/select
Added User Grid Mass Action: Add A Note
Amazon SES: Added US East(Ohaio) region
Bug Fixed: Content Category Menu has unnecessary additional level
Cookie Notice: Ability to choose postion (top|bottom)
Fixed Bug: Square-Up plugin, incorrect header for API requests were sent.
JV: admin permission to manage settings
Notice in admin interface if user is permanently locked
Self-Service: confirmation window before add product

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.7 released

Date: 8/19/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.7. You can see changelog below.

Implemented AWS Signature v4 support for Amazon SES Email sending method
Login Sharing Protection: New setting Use first4 blocks to determine different IPv6.
Not Confirmed Users: add action Export
User Menu: ability to add target attribute for custom links
Advanced Search Condition: User Consent
Fixed user menu for mobile devices in horizontal view
Do not try to re-send failed email from queue if it was added more then two weeks ago.
Fixed bug: incompatibility with 5.6
SignupCheckboxGroup: reset current value before set new one
Bug Fixed: product default value for product brick inside fieldset
Display item qty (if more than 1) in admin lists (payments/refunds/invoices)
Bug Fixed: edit of prices for product options
Bug Fixed: admin HTML template (caused silly errors if user have any refunds)
Bug Fixed: use unique name for session container in multi-page forms (to avoid mix of data from different signup pages)
Add fetch polyfill for iphone/ipad/ipod devices
Bug Fixed: tax for shipping
EU VAT ID Brick: add conditional display
Bug Fixed: email user - persist email text on filter state change (saved search)
Moodle - email preferences
Webhook module: add delay for failed requests reprocessing, add limitation for number of failures
Soft Sale module: visually distinguish disabled license schemas in admin interface
Yahoo Sign In: OpenID2 -> OpenID Connect
Autocoupon: ability to bind generated coupon to user account
***Oauth Server
    Implemented ability to create manual access tokens for clients who can use client_credentials grant(skip authentication process)
    Authorization code grant, store user consent status and do not ask user to provide an access again
    Ability to set expiration to forever within Access Permission
    Activecampaign: add/remove tag on used coupon
    Mailchimp add an ability to associate tags to products.
    Klavio: sync first/last name and phone
***Affiliate Module
    Add support of Venmo payout.
    Correctly distribute paid amount between items (take into account tax and shipping)
    Aff Stat Transaction Download: include Payout Date to file
    Ability to enable CORS header for specific domains
    Send zero autoresponders when access is being added
    New Payment Plugin: Paytm (
    Sberbank - handle ipn's
    New Payment Plugin: Dilapay (
    New Payment Plugin: PayMaya
    Nmi plugin: pass currency information
    Passion hosted payment plugin
    Stripe ipn - find invoice by receipt_id
    SagepayForm: replace mcrypt with openssl
    New Plugin: Payment Gateway. Ability top use aMember as a payment gateway to process payments from other scripts.
    Razorpay - USD added

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.6 released

Date: 7/6/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.6. You can see changelog below.

SECURITY Bugfix release - an XSS vulnerability fixed
That is a medium level vulnerability, it does not directly allow to access your admin area or
users list, however, it is anyway dangerous and we advise to upgrade IMMEDIATELY.

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!