
aMember PRO 6.2.5 released

Date: 6/22/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.5. You can see changelog below.

Improved compatibility with IE11
Affiliate: improve process of affiliate approve/deny by admin
Donation Plugin: split Server (to Group) and Client (to Element) validation. Server (to Element) errors is not rendered within group element
Upsell plugin: Add report that displays accept/reject rate
Ability to export currency from payment/refund/invoice lists in admin interface
Newsletters: ability to delete lists for standard plugin
Notification Plugin: handle access based on number of payments, add column with targets to grid
Bug Fixed: one-per-line element did not work
Bug Fixed: styled file upload element in case of it has positioned ancestor

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.4 released

Date: 6/15/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.4. You can see changelog below.

Digital Ocean Spaces storage plugin
I18n for reCaptcha on login/sendpass forms
Bug Fixed: Product Options in case of single product with radio input (ie.: type=hidden)
Bug Fixed: recaptcha on login/sendpass forms in popup
Bug Fixed: Bricks Editor did not initialized when saved form copied
Bug Fixed: Same form can have multiple address sections
Bug Fixed: Unable to complete stripe payment in IE11 (added fetch polyfill for IE11 and less)
Bug Fixed: Bricks Editor did not initialized when saved form copied
Ability to filter commissions by used Coupon
Exclude sales-notification from access log
Display notice about pending request to change email on profile form. Do not log incorrect/expired confirmation error to error log
User Friendly Error Messages for expired reset password link
New Widget Positions: Shopping Cart All Pages (Top) and Shopping Cart All Pages (Bottom)
Facebook SDK updated to latest version
Placeholder for additional fields
Cancel recurring after chargeback
PHP < 7.3 samesite cookie added
change required PHP version to 7.2
Webhooks: send data parameters where applicable.
layout no title (useful at aMember Cp -> Protect Content -> Pages)
    Fixed: Authorize.NET CIM Hosted version didn't work
    Ccbill - fixed initialPeriod for lifetime products
    New Payment Plugin: Perfect Money
    USA Payments plugin
    Digistore24 payment plugin added
    Added ability to complete manual rebills for CoinbaseCommerce plugin

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.3 released

Date: 5/26/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.3. You can see changelog below.

Flowplayer video player has been replaced with Plyr (HTML5 based, no Flash)
JavaScript: fixed compatibility with MS Edge browser for user-side pages
Black Theme added
Kayako-remote integration plugin added
Sberbank payment plugin added
Fastspring Contextual: fixed bug quantity for products in autocreated invoices was incorrect.
XeroApi re-worked for new API
cancel-feedback plugin fixed to work correctly with new js
Bug Fixed: parent for root categories
Additional Stripe Soruces - prevent double charges by page refresh
New Amazon SES regions added
Cancellations(without upgrade) added to sales widget
Bug Fixed: deafult date for datepicker
Start Date Calculation can be set to "Next Day"
Bug Fixed: Cart state update: Js code expect Array here
Assign Paysystem to product: case of multiple paysystems within product on signup form
Bug Fixed: Js initialization for bricks within fieldset
Bug fixed - "Change rebill date" Datepicker use YYYY-mm-dd format

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.2 released

Date: 5/11/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.2. You can see changelog below.

Add missing reset.css and site-dist.css files to release
Use unique ID for agreements elements HTML code
Oauth: trigger event ValidateSavedForm for register
Translation files updated

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.1 released

Date: 5/7/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.1. You can see changelog below.

Added "woff2" into root .htaccess file (not updated on upgrade)
Add back views/public/.htaccess into build (missing in 6.2.0)
Donation plugin fixed
Do not show "payment already processed" errors and do not log such errors. Redirect user to member's page instead.
REST API: Fixed bug registration emails wasn't sent when user was created through API
GocardlessPRO: updated supported currencies list
Newsletter: do not touch titles for existing lists on sync - admin can customize it
Log "export" action to admin log
Fix menu style with DIVI theme

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!

aMember PRO 6.2.0 released

Date: 4/29/2020

The aMember Pro development team announces the immediate availability of aMember PRO 6.2.0. You can see changelog below.

Reworked internal JavaScript libraries for frontend and backend pages - works much faster now
aMember documentation reworked, context help for plugins added
Disallow opening aMember pages in iframe on 3rd party domains to avoid clickjacking attacks
Improved Reset Admin Password Flow
Product Options: Ability to add Description for product options
Upgrades - do not get invoices with expired access
Fixed bug: Incorrect upgrade link behaviour in Active subscriptions widget. Wrong invoice was chosen to upgrade.
Solid Color Theme: Header Menu
Oauth2 Module: enable PKCE support.
Ability to Configure deep menu levels
Am_Lite::getQty() method added
Added touch event support for jquery ui
"copy-to-clipboard" option for general affiliate link
Payment plugins: hide extra settings by default.
IS EMPTY condition for multi_select/multi_upload fields
Fixed bug: InfusionSoft plugin unable to update username/password.
pdo_options can be set within config.php file
Bug Fixed: default coupon for coupon brick within fieldset
Brick Conditional Display: Ability to choose 'Any Match'|'All Match'
jQuery library updated for video JS code
bug fixed - recognize audio/mp3 as audio
Ability to calculate and add Tier commissions when admin add manual commission to affiliate.
Options Editor: ability to sort options
Options Editor: Ability to Export Options
Bug fixed - user lookup did not work right at EmailUsers section
Ability to use custom page for Access Forbidden
Affiliate: show statistics for recent periods first
maximize above ui-front when ckeditor used in dialogue
Bug Fixed: Softsale - respect option hide_expired_licenses
Coupon with absolute discount: fix discount distribution between items (round error)
Email confirmation template - use more variables
admin-setup speed improvement - lazy init plugin setup forms
Grids: avoid useless text like 'showing records 1-1 from 1'
output masked IP address in admin UI for better privacy
Added Ability to resend payment receipt email
Show total coupon revenue on Coupon usage screen
Mass Action: Amend Access Permission
Advanced Search: NOT IN condition
    Add Emoji Panel to response dialog
    bold and italic format to helpdesk messages
    Add snippets to menu
    Add Categories for reply snippets
    Mass Ticket Reply action
    Show in grid if some admin already working on ticket
    Ability to manage sort order of reply snippets
    Elavon payment plugin
    SmartDebit: ref/publicId
    SmartDebit: process Successful Collection Report
    SmartDebit: ability to configure sandbox account
    SmartDebit: lead time for rebills
    Paypal: proper url to cancel subscription
    Robokassa: recurring payment plugin added
    PayPal Express: add product name of billing profile description
    Konnektive payment plugin added
    Stripe sources problem "Invalid statement descriptor. Cannot contain the characters /, (, ), {, or }" fixed
    PhpBB: compatibility with 3.3
    Zenddesk: Added tags support
    Xeroapi: amounts fixed
    Magoware: update password fixed
    Invision4: sso fixed
    Cerb9 integration plugin
    New Plugin: Integration with GoToWebinar
    SMF: ssi fixed
    Activecampaign: do not empty first and last name (skip these fields if we have not value)
    Mailchimp plugin: Added ability to set Mailchimp Merge fields from aMember's profile information
    MailChimp Plugin: Added merge tags support
    Donation plugin: emotional layout with minimum!=0 and allow to skip donation
    Credits: Low Level User Notification
    schedule-access more gentle way to handle wrong configuration

Your suggestions for future releases are welcome!